The American Gastroenterological Association is urging legislators to improve prescription drug pricing.
The AGA is promoting five strategies to lower cost:
1. The AGA wants lower out-of-pocket expenses for patients. The high out-of-pocket costs limit access to therapies and increase the likelihood of patient noncompliance.
2. However, lower out-of-pocket costs should not decrease innovation incentives. The AGA is fearful the lower costs could lower innovation incentives, which may dissuade future innovation.
3. Stakeholders should increase their price transparency. By documenting the out-of-pocket costs for treatment, patients will have a better chance to budget for and afford treatments.
4. AGA wants to promote shared decision making. If patients can ask questions and discuss cost, it could increase the likelihood they receive care.
5. AGA also wants boosted competition. Allowing for more generic competitors would drastically lower drug and biologic prices.
To read more on the AGA's principles, click here.