More than 70 percent of physicians have not made any changes to cut down on their major expenses, according to Medscape's "Physician Wealth & Debt Report 2023."
However, some physicians are adopting new strategies to reduce their large expenses.
The report surveyed 10,011 physicians across more than 29 specialties about their spending habits, income and net worth from Oct. 7, 2022, to Jan. 17, 2023.
Here is what physicians reported doing to reduce major spending:
Note: Respondents could choose more than one answer.
Deferred or refinanced loans (including mortgage and student loans): 12 percent
Changed to a different car: 7 percent
Moved to a different home: 6 percent
Moved child(ren) to a different school: 3 percent
Other: 8 percent
Doing nothing to reduce major expenses: 71 percent