Past Webinars

4 key considerations for supply chain optimization in the ASC

As more surgeries transition to the outpatient setting, ASCs are under increased pressure to have the necessary supplies and support available to nurses and surgeons to meet increasing demands.

The 'Alexa-fication' of healthcare: 3 key insights into virtual care

As patients' out-of-pocket healthcare costs continue to rise, health systems must work to deliver convenient, quality care that's worth the price, according to Dr. Bob Monteverdi, Lenovo Health's global director of healthcare solutions. In this consumer-driven environment, patients may become less brand-loyal than they used to be, which means even big-name health systems may need to rethink strategy.


How 4 health systems are reining in pharmacy costs

When drug prices rise and reimbursement rates remain stagnant, hospitals that purchase large quantities of pharmaceuticals find themselves in a financially vulnerable position. During a Jan. 29 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and moderated by publisher Scott Becker, leaders from four health systems discussed which service lines are driving pharmacy costs and explained what their organizations are doing to control spending.


How ambulatory practices can solve 3 key logistical challenges

The average ASC spends $549,000 per operating room on drugs and medical supplies, accounting for nearly one-fourth of facility net revenue each year, according to VMG Health's 2018 Multi-Specialty ASC Benchmarking Study. Despite the substantial amount of money devoted to inventory, ASC and surgical hospital staff rarely receive supply management training, according to Cardinal Health Senior Consultant Marvella Thomas, RN.


Tips for marketing an orthopedic practice in 2019

Technology has driven rapid change across almost every industry, and healthcare is no exception. Online search engines have cast a wide net of accessibility to information, and consumers have been conditioned to expect instant gratification. Because of this, marketing has become essential for providers, helping organizations like orthopedic practices generate more recognition and bring in more clients.


What CMS' decision to pay separately for Exparel use means for ASCs — 5 insights

CMS' 2019 final payment rule for ASCs and hospital outpatient surgery departments included a new code allowing separate payments to ASCs that use Pacira Pharmaceuticals' non-opioid pain management drug, Exparel.


How Providence St. Peter Hospital reduced HAI-causing bacteria 77%

Microbial threats linger long after patients are discharged, posing a serious risk of infection for new patients. This locks hospital quality management teams into a never-ending battle to disinfect patient rooms of these invisible invades. 


Children's hospitals: The ideal candidates for an intelligent ERP system

Amid declining reimbursements, increasing consolidation and heightened pressure to reduce costs, Children's hospitals must address challenges related to national healthcare trends while simultaneously tackling issues unique to pediatric providers.


3 ways CTOs can simplify health IT strategy and improve clinician satisfaction

If IT teams focus on simplicity, then stability, security and speed will follow — paving the way for quality care. This technical vision — that quality stems from stability, security, speed, which all grow from simplicity — is called QS4. This webinar explores three ways IT leaders can leverage the QS4 vision to improve the IT experience at their hospital.


How ASCs can eliminate lurking OR inefficiencies to drive down costs

The average ASC spends a whopping $230,000 on supplies and keeps $100,000 to $120,000 of inventory on hand per surgical suite. Having so much cash tied up in inventory is presenting new challenges for ASCs as they deal with external financial pressures, such as receiving lower reimbursements than hospital outpatient departments.


The big are getting bigger in 2018 — here's how small and mid-sized hospitals can compete

2018 is shaping up to be a transformational year for hospital systems. The recent tax reform bill includes a potential $25 million spending cut to Medicare while raising premiums for patients. Along with major legislation, mergers between healthcare giants continue to be penned.


Healthcare 'State of the Union': 7 things for leaders to know

In the second year of the Trump administration, the ACA lives on, but continuous political uncertainty and weakening of Obama-era healthcare reform policies, such as the individual mandate and bundled payments, have created enough friction to necessitate some strategic course corrections for hospitals and health systems.


How Adventist Health System increased patient self-service payments 83%

The proportion of hospital revenue stemming from patient dollars has grown dramatically over the last decade from 5 to 10 percent of revenue to 30 to 35 percent today. While it's no secret to health systems that patients are payers, organizations have been slow to better align their billing practices to the patient.


Are you following these 3 golden rules for stickier patient relationships?

Patient-centered care isn't new. Health systems, hospitals and private practices around the country are constantly developing creative ways to improve patient experience. As digital technology and consumerism reshape the business and delivery of healthcare, it's imperative to know who the patient is, where the patient is and what the patient wants.


How 2 hospitals use remote pharmacy services to execute their strategic initiatives

Hospital pharmacists are taking on a greater role in organizations' strategic initiatives in recent years, with pharmacists leading medication reconciliation and patient discharge programs. However, deploying pharmacists to drive these clinical initiatives creates a shortage in the workforce needed to perform more routine tasks, such as medication order entry and review.


7 strategies to prevent claims denials

Claims denials pose a serious issue for hospitals amid an already complicated reimbursement landscape.


How weight-bearing MRIs can impact the spinal circle of care cycle

Leveraging weight-bearing MRIs to improve practice efficeny and patient satisfaction. 


How to develop an effective patient throughput initiative: 2 healthcare leaders weigh in

Inefficient discharge planning and patient flow is a widespread issue for many hospitals.


Growing your ASC & offering a better treatment for lumbar spinal stenosis patients

Paradigm Spine's coflex® Interlaminar Stabilization® device is helping ASCs and spine-based practices stand out in a crowded healthcare field.


The power of clinical assessment: How ASCs, surgical hospitals can thrive

Surgery centers and surgical hospitals are operating in an increasingly competitive healthcare market and leaders must adapt to the many changes coming their way. To successfully navigate the various trends taking hold in the industry, ASCs and surgical hospitals should conduct a clinical assessment to identify areas for improvement.


Safe patient handling: How to limit clinician injury and cut costs in the ORSafe patient handling: How to limit clinician injury and cut costs in the OR

Workplace injuries pose numerous clinical and financial consequences for healthcare facilities nationwide.


How this hospital system is using analytics to become a consumer health management system
Louisville, Ky.-based Norton Healthcare, a five-hospital system with 140 sites of care throughout Kentucky and southern Indiana, is using analytics to propel itself from managing healthcare to managing consumer health — providing not only the best quality care and outcomes, but also the friendliest and easiest to use healthcare in its market.


Cost, speed & security — How Cardinal Innovations used VDI, cloud technology to cut IT costs

As the healthcare industry continues to consolidate, health IT teams are tasked with delivering a seamless platform that spans the care continuum. During a Nutanix-sponsored webinar June 15, leaders from San Jose, Calif.-based Nutanix and Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based Citrix Systems shared how their products have helped multifacility health systems improve their data sharing efficiency and enhance data security though hyper-converged, cloud technology and virtual desktop infrastructure. 


The vital role of hospital technology selection in achieving post-merger alignment

The transition to value-based care has hospitals and health systems focused on improving operating margins while maintaining or improving the quality of care their organizations provide. To achieve this goal, many provider organizations are exploring the benefits of joining forces with another healthcare facility.


An action plan for leaders: 5 questions on hospital performance improvement amid political uncertainty

The Better Care Reconciliation Act, Senate Republicans' bill to replace the ACA, would have rescinded key elements of the current healthcare law and imposed dramatic changes on the U.S. healthcare system, including the repeal of Medicaid expansion, tax cuts and waivers to enable states to opt out of coverage for essential health benefits. Although this particular healthcare legislation is now dead, it is clear the American healthcare system is on a path of change.


'Doing the fast things fast and the slow things slow' — 7 strategies to improve OR efficiency without compromising safety

Reducing overhead costs and improving patient safety in the operating room aren't mutually exclusive — but finding a balance requires a well-planned strategy. 


Environmental cleanliness in an ambulatory care setting: 5 things to know

Despite their best efforts, infection and prevention leaders can struggle to keep facilities, especially in ASCs, due to limited resources available to implement a standardized environmental cleaning program. However, as all settings of care are susceptible to infection, ambulatory leaders must have infection prevention on their radar to ensure they yield excellent patient outcomes.


3 trends that could impact ASC reimbursement

Narrow networks, bundled payments and consumer demand for price transparency are affecting reimbursement. It is critical to understand these rapidly emerging concepts, otherwise, surgery centers may be missing opportunities to optimize payment and enhance their bottom line. 


5 key considerations and strategies for clinical integration post-merger

The emerging healthcare landscape is transforming the way provider organizations approach mergers and acquisitions. Determining how to leverage economies of scale and remain competitive amid increasing margin pressure remain relevant concerns during hospital transactions. However, the shift to value-based care and population health management has put an increased focus on clinical integration in the M&A process.

The webinar provided organizations that are considering mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, joint operating agreements or clinical affiliations with several considerations and strategies for success with clinical integration post-transaction.


5 things to know about the growing role of IoT in virtual healthcare delivery

The internet of things has the potential to transform the healthcare industry, especially when applied to virtual care and telemedicine. Recently, a group of experts with clinical care delivery, technology and healthcare consulting expertise addressed the topic of the IoT, the potential value this emerging technology can bring to the healthcare landscape, and potential applications and challenges to industry-wide adoption, during a panel discussion during Becker's Virtual Innovation Summit.


VDI can help improve hospitals' IT security and rein in costs — Here's how

Mobile technology in healthcare has the potential to make caregiving more convenient for providers. Organizations with cloud-based EHRs and patient information systems — often known as "bring your own device" systems — enable clinicians to use their own personal devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, to access a hospital's clinical information from wherever they are, whenever they need. While this supports an increasingly mobile physician workforce, it also introduces new security risks when a physician's device is lost, stolen or hacked.


Solving the unsolvable: 3 reasons hospitals should adopt a unique health safety identifier

Continuously advancing information technology enables providers to share a patient's medical data across the continuum of care. However, digitally sharing sensitive health information raises the risk of security breaches, as a patient's medical record is a sought-after commodity on the black market, often far exceeding the value of credit card information.


3 questions clinicans should ask when choosing a surgical gown

The rise of new pathogens and drug-resistant organisms, combined with an industrywide effort to reduce healthcare-associated infections, is driving hospitals to reevaluate surgical gown protocols to optimize patient and staff safety, as well as cost effectiveness.

How CRM can transform the patient experience 

Improving the patient experience has become a top priority for many hospitals and health systems as the industry shifts to value-based care models, under which reimbursement is more closely tied to patient satisfaction than ever before.

Keep pace with healthcare's value-based future: 4 considerations for ASCs to obtain optimal payer contracts

Surgery centers can prevail in healthcare's changing reimbursement landscape if they employ strategies to obtain optimal payer contracts while also combating industry challenges.


How Nebraska Medicine aligned its clinical and supply chain teams to achieve greater operational efficiency

The amount of time clinicians are spending on administrative or supply chain-related tasks is necessary to maintain a hospital's bottom line.

12 best practices to improve ASC efficiency and increase the bottom line

The two biggest goals for ASC administrators are often improving efficiency and increasing revenue. 

What's driving momentum behind consumer telehealth?

As hospitals look for cost-efficient ways to expand access to care and satisfy consumers' preferences for on-demand healthcare, many organizations are realizing the value of telehealth.

How palm scanning technology helped Carolinas HealthCare System improve patient identification

Misidentifying a patient can lead to significant consequences, including reduced clinical productivity, revenue loss and even patient harm.

4 of the most pressing challenges health systems face today 

To succeed in an era characterized by uncertainty and rapid change, hospitals must become more nimble and proactive. Faced with changes to regulations, reimbursement and technology, organizations that fail to adapt will lose out to their more agile peers.

4 risk adjustment opportunities to make bundled payments sustainable

As hospitals move into value-based care and alternative payment models, such as bundled payments, they need to reconsider the role of the emergency department and unscheduled care.

Bridging the gap between new spine technology & patients — The role of the Medical Science Liaison

Originally a pharmaceutical model, the medical science liaison is now entering the medical device industry to bridge the gap between various healthcare stakeholders. A clinically focused educator, a MSL assists all stakeholders during a patient's care continuum.


5 common questions about micro-hospitals, answered

Micro-hospitals are popping up around the country, but many providers still lack a solid understanding of what a micro-hospital is and how it can help satisfy emerging needs in their markets.

How to build a lasting safety culture in the era of drug resistance and value-based care

Since the landmark release of the U.S. Institute of Medicine's 1999 report "To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System," the attention to patient safety in the American healthcare system has increased significantly.

How Trinity Health ensures communication and continued learning among clinicians and physicians

While new health IT innovations have helped healthcare providers engage patients outside of the hospital's four walls, many providers still struggle with another type of communication: clinician-to-clinician.

How implementing a freight management program will help ASCs thrive in healthcare's tumultuous landscape

ASCs equipped with a strategy to lower overall supply chain costs will fare well in the value-driven healthcare system and can use these resources in other areas, such as clinical delivery.


How hospitals are protecting their bottom lines in the face of an uncertain future

The economic future for healthcare providers under President Donald Trump's administration remains uncertain. But that doesn't mean hospital and health system leaders aren't taking action to ensure their organizations remain financially solvent no matter what legislation comes down the pipeline.

Remote video auditing: 5 applications to improve patient safety, efficiency

Just as sports teams watch game film to analyze performance and identify opportunities for improvement, remote video auditing in the healthcare setting gives clinicians the opportunity to receive near real-time performance feedback to help them improve care and reduce the possibility of adverse events.

How to overcome operational inefficiencies in the ED using AI and machine learning

Hospital operational inefficiencies can be difficult to overcome and can have a negative effect on employee satisfaction and patient experience. However, with the right data and tools, hospitals can take a proactive approach to defeating these issues. 

How Centura Health eliminated waste and boosted efficiency in its supply chain

With rising pressure to maintain high-quality patient care and reduce spending under value-based care, hospitals are eagerly looking for ways to improve efficiencies and eliminate waste across operations. The supply chain, which represents one of hospitals' highest costs can account for billions of dollars of waste each year.

Remote video auditing: 5 applications to improve patient safety, efficiency

Just as sports teams watch game film to analyze performance and identify opportunities for improvement, remote video auditing in the healthcare setting gives clinicians the opportunity to receive near real-time performance feedback to help them improve care and reduce the possibility of adverse events.

 4 ways Sutter Health improved its HIM operations

With an aging population driving high demand for healthcare services, hospitals are experiencing increased need for greater coding resources. However, many organizations struggle to recruit qualified coders amid a growing talent shortage and have difficulty maintaining efficient, yet cost effective, coding processes following the transition to ICD-10.

How telehealth has enhanced Cleveland Clinic's value-based care strategy

Interest in the telehealth industry has grown rapidly in recent years, with 78.5 percent of healthcare consumers reporting they would be comfortable interacting with a physician via online video or online chat, according to a 2016 report out of the Aloft Group — even if almost half of respondents were still not familiar with the term "telemedicine."


How HSHS Medical Group meets consumer need through virtual care

Virtual care is undoubtedly on the rise as healthcare adjusts to the demands of consumerism. Individuals want changes in the way they receive care. Instead of seeking out a hospital and health system, consumers want care to come to them. 



How a multimodal pain regimen can enhance ERAS protocols

The use of multimodal anesthesia in surgery, particularly how multimodal pain care can enhance the move to value-based care.



How Memorial Hermann drives its brand through digital health

Health systems are increasingly turning to technology to boost their services; however, identifying how to integrate new features into an established brand has proved challenging.



Optimizing procedure trays: A lesson on eliminating waste, cutting costs in the OR

ASCs face unique challenges in the operating room that highlight the importance of an efficient materials management process.


How Barton Healthcare improved outcomes with improved respiratory monitoring

Postoperative respiratory compromise represents a significant health care burden in terms of increased morbidity and mortality along with increased lengthof hospital stay and cost of care.



The importance of care coordination in a value-based world: Best practice approaches from Spectrum Health

Proper care coordination is more crucial than ever for healthcare providers as they take on more financial risk amid the shift toward value-based care, according to Ken Botsford, MD, CMO of naviHealth, a Cardinal Health company.



Meeting the challenge of the academic mission: 3 strategies to improve efficiency in academic hospitals' ORs

NorthStar Anesthesia and Duke Department of Anesthesiology have collaborated to leverage their best in class solutions to actively manage other academic departments of anesthesiology. Academic medical centers' three-pronged mission — education, research and patient care — makes them uniquely vulnerable to financial pressures.



The MACRA marathon: 3 keys on training for success

Success under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act's Quality Payment Program is all about the long game — it will require conscious, continuous investment. Learn how to jumpstart MACRA preparation in this webinar.


Why Boston Medical Center transitioned to cloud computing for HR functions

As the demand for cost reductions, actionable insight, and information security increases, hospitals and health systems are looking for a cost-effective approach to streamline their human resources and payroll processes and quickly adapt to the changing healthcare landscape.


How Orlando Health deploys predictive analytics to fight sepsis

As a result of the prevalence of sepsis in the healthcare setting and new reimbursement models that reward value and outcomes, many health systems and hospitals are looking for ways to take full advantage of all technological resources available in order to protect patients and reduce costs by working to properly manage and prevent sepsis.


How enterprise data strategy can support providers and payers: 4 experts weigh in

Healthcare professionals are increasingly turning to data analytics to support their services; however, inefficient data technology may be holding the industry back.


How first impressions online affect patient acquisition and hospital revenue

There are few things consumers don't research before making purchasing decisions. Just as they do when choosing a hotel, airline or restaurant, prospective patients seeking new providers often turn to the web to inform their decision, tapping company websites, third-party rating sites and online reviews.

How data analytics improved job satisfaction, reduced burnout at this South Carolina hospital

Many healthcare organizations still struggle to plan long-term operations according to the highly variable and seemingly chaotic nature of patient demand.

Bryan Kennedy, RN, director of nursing at AnMed Health in Anderson, S.C., discussed how data analytics improved forecasting and predictive utilization processes at AnMed during a webinar sponsored by McKesson Nov. 4.

How to improve the payer-provider relationship: 3 experts weigh in

Collaboration is the key to ensuring a successful payer-provider relationship. However, effective collaboration requires mutual understanding between both parties. When payers and medical providers understand each others' goals and compromise for the good of the patient, both parties benefit from cost savings and avoided billing disputes.

Why data analytics is indispensable for hospitals under CJR

Bundled payments are emerging as an increasingly important element of the healthcare industry's shift from volume- to value-based care, as CMS seeks to lower healthcare expenditures and providers aim to achieve the triple aim: providing the best possible care at the lowest price and improving the overall health of a population. However, succeeding under bundles requires robust data analytics to help providers identify the main drivers of spending and opportunities to rein in costs and improve outcomes.


7 steps to achieving 'systemness' in your hospital's credentialing department

Health systems are finally coming of age. Increasing pressures to rein in costs, reduce utilization and manage variation are forcing health systems to become true operating companies, rather than holding companies. And as health systems look to woo physicians and satisfy patients, achieving true "systemness" in the credentialing department is crucial.

How to overcome 3 major hurdles to surgical bundle success

As the healthcare industry transitions toward a value-based payment system, risk-based models like bundled payments are gaining speed. Although the recent Republican sweep of the White House and Congress could lead to major health policy changes in 2017, it is unlikely Medicare's bundled payment programs will come to an end.


Leverage data analytics to control cath lab costs

As the healthcare industry moves from a fee-for service model to value-based care, controlling spend on high-value supplies is more critical than ever. In a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, two thought leaders from Cardinal Health discussed the regulatory and operational challenges associated with controlling costs and managing cath lab inventory.


Combating burnout: How technology can strengthen the patient-provider relationship

During a webinar, hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and Vocera Communications, David Pryor, MD, executive vice president and chief clinical officer at St. Louis-based Ascension and Bridget Duffy, MD, CMO at Vocera, agreed one cannot enhance the patient experience without also improving provider and caregiver experience.

Maximize your ASC's OR supply chain

During a recent webinar sponsored by Cardinal Health, Bilinda Garlock, RN, BSN, manager of clinical operations of ASCs at Cardinal Health, and Marvella Thomas, senior consultant of clinical operations of ASC national accounts at Cardinal Health, identified waste and offer strategies for ASC leaders to manage operating room inventory.

7 ways one health system hacked primary care for better patient outcomes

Hacking is rarely a positive word. When used in healthcare, its negative connotation brings to mind thoughts of breached patient records and HIPAA penalties. But with help from Cambridge, Mass.-based Twine Health, Philadelphia-based University of Pennsylvania Health System employed hacking to help patients achieve better outcomes.

How technology can impact a surgery center's bottom line — Cyber criminals, digital infrastructure & more

Investing in technology can be more beneficial for an ASC and its bottom line than expected. In a recent webinar titled "How Your Technology Environment Can Impact Your Surgery Center's Bottom Line" representatives of National Medical Billing Services shared best technology practices.

5 key thoughts on ASCs navigating TJR reimbursement with commercial payers

Total joints are making their way into the outpatient setting, and ambulatory surgery centers are continually seeking strategies to negotiate reimbursement from payers. CMS, which sets the gold standard for commercial payers, only approves unicompartmental knee replacement for the ambulatory setting, although the tides may be turning.


OB hospitalist programs: Growth, unexpected benefits and how to implement your own

In the time since the term hospitalist was first mentioned in a 1996 article by Robert Wachter, MD, and Lee Goldman, MD, in The New England Journal of Medicine, it has noticeably caught on. From the introduction of that term and more importantly of the concept of hospital medicine, a plethora of hospitalist subspecialties have emerged. One subspecialty that is making noticeable improvements in patient care and safety is OB hospitalists.

CRM is the new RCM: How strategic customer relationship management helps hospitals increase revenue and grow market share

Under the fee-for-service model, healthcare organizations typically used revenue cycle management systems to recoup, protect and drive revenue. However, as traditional fee-for-service care transitions to fee-for-value, many hospitals and health systems are looking to customer relationship management platforms to achieve financial success.

A multifactorial problem: 4 strategies to start reducing HAIs now

The rates of healthcare-associated infections in the age of antibiotic resistance and the Affordable Care Act are important measures of patient safety and the fiscal health of a hospital. Though progress has been made toward HAI reduction in recent years, still, on any given day, approximately 1 in 25 patients may encounter a dangerous infection while being treated in a healthcare facility, according to the CDC.

6 areas of focus for ASCs to improve efficiency & increase the bottom line

Improving efficiency while increasing the bottom line is the primary objective of nearly every ASC. In a recent webinar titled “Is Your ASC as Efficient and Profitable as it Should Be?” representatives of Ambulatory Surgical Centers of America (ASCOA) shared best practices for profitable ASCs. 

How to navigate the reimbursement landscape for total joint reconstruction

Learn from Scott Becker, Publisher of Becker's ASC Review, Christine Maroulis, Franchise Director of Health Policy and Reimbursement for DePuy Synthes, Derek van Amerongen, Vice President and Medical Officer for Humana Health Plans of Ohio, and David Uba, Chief Executive Officer of Excelsior Orthopaedics and Buffalo Surgery Center on how to navigate the reimbursement landscape for total joint reconstruction.

3 factors driving high turnover at your hospital — and what to do about them

Healthcare is a labor-driven service that depends on the talent and skills of every staff member, from the C-suite to nurses. Finding and keeping this talent is paramount to running a cost-effective organization that provides exceptional care. While most health systems seek to reduce turnover, many fail to understand its costs or causes and lack effective strategies to improve retention. This webinar, sponsored by Select International, explains what drives turnover and provides effective strategies to improve retention. 

4 steps for improving patient communication, collections in the age of the high deductible health plan

The increasing popularity of the high deductible health plan has transformed the healthcare revenue cycle, putting providers in a direct physician-to-patient, rather than physician-to-payer, relationship. This means providers need to excel in connecting with patients during the billing and collections process or lose out on self-pay revenue. However, many payment methodologies used by hospitals are outdated and inconvenient. This webinar, sponsored by Zotec Partners, lays out four steps to successfully connect and collect from self-pay patients.

Robotics is here to stay — Drs. Kornelis Poelstra & Dennis Devito on working with Mazor technology

Robotic technology is gaining traction in the spine surgery field, allowing surgeons to pre-plan and customize procedures to fit an individual's anatomy. In a Mazor Robotics-sponsored webinar, Dennis P. Devito, MD, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta spine program director, and Kornelis Poelstra, MD, PhD, of Miramar, Fla.-based Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast, discussed their experiences using Mazor Robotics technology during spine surgeries.

Complex software but simple workflow: A look into Nemours Children's EPCS platform

As of April 2016, healthcare providers in New York are required to electronically submit prescriptions for controlled substances. The law requiring these electronic prescriptions intends to boost transparency and information regarding controlled substance prescriptions to help curb opioid abuse and overuse. While New York is the first state to mandate electronic prescriptions, enforced by civil and criminal penalties, other states are following suit, and the demand for an Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances (EPCS) platform will likely increase.

For leadership and collaboration in the OR, look to anesthesiologists

As reimbursements continue to decline and expectations for better quality outcomes rise, perioperative services are fundamental to a hospital's success under value-based models. In fact, perioperative services account for more than 68 percent of hospitals' revenue, according to Lee Hedman, senior vice president of Surgical Directions.

3 key considerations when navigating the ASC joint venture arena

Changes sweeping the healthcare industry have paved the way for an increasing number of joint venture ambulatory surgery centers.

The growing body of evidence supporting CHG bathing

Creating an evidence-based best practice should involve three things: assessing multiple studies and research on the topic, using expertise, and considering patient preferences, according to Ann Meyer, BSN, RN.

How to position ASC revenue cycle management for value-based care success

On Thursday, July 28, SourceMed held a webinar titled "A 360 view of value-based care: How to position your facility for success."

Beating the patient-pay problem with 3 point-of-service collection strategies

A larger share of many hospitals' reimbursement now comes from patients rather than commercial payers. Yet many providers haven't updated their collection practices.

Identifying and addressing weak links in any infection control protocol

It might be helpful for some to think of healthcare-associated infection prevention as an algebraic equation. 

Why hospital cost containment efforts depend on physicians

With risk-based models like bundled payments gaining speed, hospitals and health systems need to reexamine their cost cutting strategies and include physicians in const containment conversations. 

Why more hospitals are turning to remote pharmacy solutions to ensure patient satisfaction and protect the bottom line

"Doing more with less" has become the new standard practice for hospitals and health systems. At the same time, clinical teams and staff are held increasingly responsible for improving the quality of care, outcomes and the patient experience.

Fueling success via employee engagement and talent: 6 straightforward strategies for hospital leaders

Dissatisfaction and disengagement are endemic among the American workforce. In healthcare, rates of disengagement and burnout are especially concerning, threatening patient outcomes, the patient experience and ultimately the hospital's bottom line.

7 ways ASCs can improve billing, coding for spine and pain management

Payer policies, surgical technology ,CPT code guidelines, and medical necessity requirements can change at a dizzying rate, presenting a significant challenge to ASC administrators hoping to maintain a positive margin.

6 best injection practices for your healthcare facility

Barbara J. Connell, vice president of clinical services at Medline, discusses the best injection practices for healthcare facilities. The evidence for unsafe injection-related outbreaks is growing, and safe injection practices help limit outbreaks and infection transmission.

The efficacy of electrical bone stimulators & ultrasound for bone healing — Dr. Mohit Bhandari weighs in with new evidence

In a DJO Global-sponsored webinar, Mohit Bhandari, MD, MSc, PhD, FRSC, discussed new evidence surrounding electrical stimulators' efficacy for bone healing. Dr. Bhandari serves as a professor in the department of surgery at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, where he is also the academic division head of orthopedic surgery.

Avoiding a dirty scope crisis: 5 steps to improve quality assurance with enhanced visual inspection

Recent incidents of bacterial infections in patients linked to dirty arthroscopic shavers and endoscopes have spurred dramatic change in device reprocessing and sterilization strategies. Yet many healthcare organizations' central processing departments have yet to follow suit, endangering both patients and hospital personnel.

Introducing healthcare's newest specialty — the virtualist

Part of healthcare's perpetual evolution is the emergence of new roles and functions. This is especially true in the health IT sector, as digitization creates new opportunities and challenges in care delivery.

4 ways communication-based innovations can drive hospital quality, efficiency improvements

Technology is changing the way we live and work. It impacts our patterns, behaviors and attitudes in the workplace. This rapid pace of change in technology has workers calling for better tools in every industry, including healthcare. Find out four ways tech-based communication solutions can become true clinical support tools, enabling high-quality care delivery and increased efficiency.

The power of real-time, predictive analytics for improving patient care

The proliferation of EMR systems in hospitals has provided clinicians and administrators with more data and information than ever before. At the same time, managing this deluge of data and extracting value from it is often cited as one of the key challenges facing leaders. And when it comes to using EMR information to track, manage and prevent disease, raw data alone falls short.

3 things that can make or break your retirement plan, and how to fix them

If you're a hospital or health system executive, your retirement plan may be in danger of failing your financial expectations, and probably not for the reasons you think.

TriscendNP, an executive benefits broker, has found the vast majority of healthcare executives' retirement plans are underperforming by between 30 and 50 percent on average, thereby putting retirement funds at risk of not meeting desired expectations. 

Automated inventory management in the cardiac cath lab: The time is now

Eliminating waste is a principal goal for all hospitals and health systems. The Affordable Care Act spurred belt tightening among many healthcare organizations, prompting most to reduce waste while simultaneously improving the quality scores and financial metrics that impact reimbursement.

Introducing healthcare's newest specialty — the virtualist

Part of healthcare's perpetual evolution is the emergence of new roles and functions. This is especially true in the health IT sector, as digitization creates new opportunities and challenges in care delivery.

For example, healthcare organizations have increasingly established the chief medical information officer role to address the growing need for a liaison between IT implementations and physicians. And, as telehealth offerings proliferate in healthcare — and as long as consumer demand for telehealth continues to grow — the industry may soon see a new clinical specialist: the virtualist.

Who, what, when, why, how: Everything you need to know about BPCI

Bundled payments have arrived, and they are likely here to stay, as CMS continues to align more of its Medicare contracts with quality and cost incentives. This webinar, hosted by EmCare, lays out a guide to preparing for the shift to CMS' Bundled Payments for Care Improvement initiative.

5 answers to clinicians' common questions about telehealth

The demand for telehealth continues to surge, and there is no indication this demand is going to slow any time soon. By some estimates, the U.S. market for virtual consultations is slated for 78 percent growth, reaching 27 million virtual visits by 2020. At the 13th annual World Health Care Congress in Washington, D.C., in April, Robert Pearl, MD, executive director and CEO of Permanente Medical Group and president and CEO of the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, said the health organization expects to do more video visits than in-person visits in 2018.

Mastering microsurgical, navigation for successful minimally invasive spine (MIS) surgery — Dr. Roger Härtl's insightIn a Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.-sponsored webinar titled, "The role of microsurgery and navigation in minimally invasive spinal surgery," Roger Härtl, MD, of New York City Presbyterian Hospital – Weill Cornell Medicine, discussed how to combine microsurgical techniques, navigation and instrumentation technology to successfully perform MIS. He serves as a neurological surgery professor and director of spinal surgery and neurotrauma at Weill Cornell Brain & Spine Center.

Using peer review and benchmarking to improve quality: A 4-step guide for ASC leaders

As regulatory changes place progressively tougher metrics on hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers, providers are held increasingly accountable for the quality and cost of care delivered.

Hospital-tested strategies for placing patients at the center of care delivery

Healthcare providers constantly strive to improve quality of care and patient outcomes. But now, more than ever, hospitals and health systems are seeking ways to build and sustain value-based care models. Tackling such endeavors involves understanding the innumerable moving parts that impact patient safety and the patient experience. However, for many organizations, the sum of all of those components can boil down to a single question: How can we put the patient at the center of care delivery in a meaningful way?

How GI endoscopists can use data analytics to understand where they are & where they are goingUsing data to drive quality outcomes can provide gastroenterologist with a slew of benefits including enhanced patient care and financial bonuses from CMS. A gMed team details how GI endoscopists can use data to differentiate themselves from other providers.

Why biometrics authentication should be your hospital's next IT investment

Patient misidentification at hospitals poses a triple threat — and not the good kind. Rather, it can pose a serious risk to patient health and wellbeing, undermine patient satisfaction and create inefficiencies that lead to significant revenue loss.

Personalized payment techniques: How to leverage big data for hospital financial success

Often times, big data is discussed in terms of the clinical insight it offers physicians and researchers in the realm of population health and behavioral change, but such data can also offer insight to inform more immediate actions, such as payer negotiations or identifying personnel productivity. All of these actions — both long- and short-term — influence hospital success.

3 key elements of environmental disinfection improvement efforts

During a March 23 webinar, Jim Gauthier, the senior clinical advisor of infection prevention for Sealed Air Diversey Care, highlighted the three elements every successful, integrated approach to environmental cleaning and disinfection should have.

4 key benefits of Collaborative Staffing

Staff management is a key element to achieving the goals of health reform, and healthcare organizations can improve patient and employee satisfaction, improve quality and boost their bottom line by using a collaborative approach to staff management.

10 lessons learned for successful telehealth integration

Having facilitated more than 1 million e-visits, telehealth provider Teladoc has learned some lessons in what works and what doesn't when implementing virtual healthcare visits.

Fair market value and physician compensation: Key considerations and trends

The federal government continued to focus on relationships between hospitals and physicians in 2015, specifically the role referrals play in driving physician compensation. That trend is likely to continue this year, making it crucial for healthcare organizations to utilize the proper valuation techniques when calculating physician compensation.

Academic medical centers: Trends in mergers, acquisitions and affiliations

Academic medical centers serve as emblems of the highest quality healthcare and icons of the most prestigious medical research and education in the U.S. However, to ensure continued success and financial viability in the future, AMCs must develop or refine their strategies to manage several primary challenges.

The keys to combating sepsis: Change management processes and decision-support tools

Sepsis may be one of the biggest killers in the U.S., yet it is not a condition with which many average Americans are familiar. Nevertheless, hospitals are always looking for new ways to catch and treat sepsis as early as possible, to improve patient outcomes and reduce mortality rates.

Shifting to short stay for total joint arthroplasty — Dr. Ken Cherry, Smith & Nephew discuss bundled payments

The evolving healthcare landscape allows surgeons to perform more total joint procedures in the outpatient setting. With this shift, medical providers must be prepared to handle the transition while maintaining organizational efficiency, quality, supply chain delivery and implant acquisition.

5 ways to build your case for inventory management technology

It's no secret that many hospitals and health systems struggle with supply chain spending and waste reduction. One potential solution to these problems is making a switch to an automated inventory management system. Before making this switch, however, you must help your colleagues see the significance of current problems in the supply chain.

Become the ultimate customer — 5 key points on how freight management can drive down costs

With healthcare undergoing tremendous transformations, ASCs are constantly seeking ways to drive down costs. Brad Wilson, national vice president of sales and service for Cardinal Health OptiFreight® Logistics, discussed how ASCs can yield significant savings utilizing a freight management program.

The next generation of healthcare visits — New opportunities with Telehealth 2.0

Over the past few centuries, healthcare has moved from the age of modern medicine with the house call to the centralized mean of production at clinics and hospitals. Patients wait in line to see medical specialists and the process becomes inefficient. But telehealth is changing that.

Year in review: Transactional trends of 2015 and 7 tips for hospitals as they enter 2016

As 2015 draws to a close, hospitals are facing a significant number of changes, including new developments in value-based payment and a changing regulatory environment. Three broad categories of transaction trends emerged in 2015. These trends were likely influenced by the changes in the market and may inform what is ahead for 2016 and beyond.

Enhancing minimally invasive spine surgery: Key notes on Luna 3D Interbody Fusion System, Kiva VCF Treatment System

During a Dec. 11 webinar, Michael Wang, MD, of the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, and Laurent Schaller, founder and CTO of Benvenue Medical, discussed minimally invasive technology for spinal procedures.

How to properly clean medical scopes and improve patient safety: 10 steps

During an Dec. 8 webinar, Stephen M. Kovach, director of education at Healthmark Industries, and Mary Ann Drosnock, manager of clinical education for gastroenterology at Healthmark Industries, outlined 10 best practices to improve the scope cleaning process.

How to win over physicians to value-based care: 3 foundational principles

Physicians are on the front lines in terms of impacting value creation and capture for hospitals and health systems, said Steve Wigginton, chief development officer of Evolent Health, said during a webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review. However, many physicians feel their pulse weaken at the thought of value-based care.

Fighting sepsis: A clinical, technological and cultural initiative

Sepsis is a significant problem for patients and hospitals, as the condition is often deadly and a major burden to hospitals' bottom line. Despite hospitals' best efforts to curb this inflammatory response to infection, the prevalence of sepsis has increased over the last several years.

Using staffing evidence to improve the patient experience: 5 takeaways about workforce strategy

During an Nov. 10 webinar, Molly Gamble, editor-in-chief of Becker's Hospital Review; Krista Baty, RN, CNO of Cedar Park (Texas) Regional Medical Center; and Lisa LaBau, general manager of workforce solutions company API Healthcare, discussed how staffing variables can help improve patient outcomes — and how technology can aid this process.

Emotional intelligence: A new measure for MDs

By the time they complete schooling, training and establish their careers, physicians have demonstrated a high degree of intellect and gained vast clinical and technical knowledge. However, as the healthcare industry becomes increasingly concerned with patient satisfaction and care coordination, technical medical knowledge alone will not suffice. 

The post-acute care providers' guide to the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model

CMS declared lofty goals in January when it announced its plan to shift 30 percent of all Medicare payments to value-based models by 2016. By 2018, the benchmark is to have half of all Medicare provider payments fall under an alternative model, which includes accountable care organizations, patient-centered medical homes or bundled payments. In July, CMS showed it was serious about the transition when it announced the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CCJR) Model.

4 considerations for a communication strategy that supports clinical efficiency, patient satisfaction

In a webinar sponsored by San Jose, Calif.-based Vocera Communications Tressa Springman, CIO of LifeBridge Health, and Gautam "G" Shah, vice president of product management for Vocera, together discussed how a communications strategy can impact clinical efficiency and boost patient satisfaction.

Build a reliable referral stream with direct-to-consumer marketing: 5 key points

During an Oct. 13 webinar, hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, three leaders from Ascription Medical Consultants detailed how healthcare providers can harness healthcare consumerism to establish a direct-to-consumer marketing plan, which builds a pool of reliable referrals.

The ins & outs of managed care contracting: 6 core concepts

During an Oct. 14 webinar, hosted by Becker's ASC Review, Lisa Rock, president of National Medical Billing Services, and Scott Allen, vice president of managed care contracting with National Medical Billing Services, broke down the process of managed care contracting and explained how to master this complex and continual process. 

Transforming the supply chain: Why automation is the key to waste reduction

The need to increase efficiency and reduce waste is not a new realization for hospitals and health systems. However, a new approach to reimbursement has accelerated the urgency with which health systems must find opportunities to save money and prevent unnecessary spending, according to Heather O'Sullivan, vice president of clinical operations for Cardinal Health™ Inventory Management Solutions.

3 patient expectations healthcare organizations need to meet to stay relevant

Healthcare in the U.S. is at risk of becoming akin to the strongest bridge in Honduras — a bridge that stood after a 1998 hurricane wiped out 150 other bridges across the country. This famed bridge, the Choluteca Bridge, withstood 75 inches of rain in four days, but it is now better known as "The Bridge to Nowhere." While the bridge withstood the storm, it rendered the infrastructure irrelevant by relocating the river that once flowed beneath it. Honduras' strongest bridge now spans dry ground.

If healthcare organizations don't keep up with the river of patient expectations, they could be rendered irrelevant as a "Bridge to Nowhere". In the following webinar, Oliver Kharraz, MD, president and founder of ZocDoc shares three expectations healthcare organizations should meet or exceed to stay current with patient needs.

How to optimize a pre-op preparation strategy: 5 takeaways

Decisions that are made early on in the perioperative process by the patient or their surgeon can have far-reaching effects down the line, so it's critical to optimize the pre-op preparation strategy. Michael Hicks, MD, CEO of EmCare Anesthesia, and Lisa Kerich, vice president of operations of EmCare Anesthesia, outlined a few tips for improving the patient pre-op process in a recent webinar.

Combatting denials using machine intelligence: How it works and why now is the time for it

Denials are a substantial and persistent problem all healthcare providers face. They can cost healthcare organizations between 3 to 5 percent of their net revenue annually, according to some estimates, while others project the financial implications are even higher. With tens of millions of dollars at stake, hospitals and health systems are constantly searching for ways to improve their denials management systems.  

Applying bundled payments to perioperative services: 3 major takeaways

Bundled payments have the potential to improve a hospital's perioperative efficiency and quality, as well as maximize revenue for both hospitals and surgeons. Alecia Torrance, RN, senior vice president of clinical operations for Surgical Directions, and Joseph Bosco, MD, vice chairman for clinical affairs at the New York University Hospital for Joint Diseases' Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, discussed applying bundled payments to the operating room in a recent webinar.

The ASC infection control manifesto: 4 essentials for survey readiness

During a Sept. 1 webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review, Lee Anne Blackwell, vice president of clinical services with Practice Partners in Healthcare, discussed four key components within five primary objectives for creating and maintaining an effective ASC infection control program. She presented the IC Plan in 10 key components to comply with the CMS conditions for coverage 416.51 b.

Make your hospital a high reliability organization: 8 pharmacy strategies to improve the patient experience

Many hospitals have too narrow a view of pharmacy in the hospital setting — it goes far beyond supply chain or a room in the basement that processes prescriptions. As the healthcare delivery system begins to put an increased focus on wellness, quality and integrated, team-based care, pharmacy will play an increasingly critical role in coordinating patient care. Here are eight strategies hospitals can use to leverage pharmacy to improve the patient experience and operate as a high-reliability organization.

Finding new solutions for uncompensated care in a post-reform era

After rising continuously for more than 35 years, hospital uncompensated care costs — the sum of a hospital's bad debt and charity care — declined by an estimated $7.4 billion in 2014, according to analysis from the American Hospital Association. Despite the drop, U.S. hospitals had nearly $40 billion fall into uncompensated care that year, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation estimates.

EHRs in ASCs: 5 thoughts for the present and future

During a July 30 webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review, Tara Vail, MBA, Vice President of Marketing with HSTpathways, discussed the barriers to EHR implementations in ASCs, reasons to consider making the switch and how to select the right system for your center.

Improving Hospitalwide Flow is Key to Competitive Advantage

Development in any industry is like whitewater rafting — long stretches of calm waters can quickly turn into exhilarating, frightening Class V rapids — and healthcare is no exception. The healthcare industry, in fact, is in a perpetual whitewater of change, according to Thom Mayer, MD, CEO of BestPractices and executive vice president of EmCare.

How ASCs can increase profitability - 8 key steps for out-of-network success

In a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Healthcare, John Bartos, JD, CEO of CollectRx, presented a webinar discussing how ambulatory surgery centers can maximize profits with out-of-network reimbursement rates. In-network rates are locked in, and Medicare is inflexible. But there is another option available. "Out-of-network represents the last great opportunity for many providers to bring more dollars in the door to increase the bottom line," said Mr. Bartos.

The future of orthopedics: ACOs, bundled payments, gain-sharing & the advantage in change

Healthcare provider payment models are shifting from fee-for-service to pay-for-performance and risk-sharing models. By next year 30 percent of Medicare payments are expected to be through alternative payment models.

 Improving Hospitalwide Flow is Key to Competitive AdvantageImproving Hospitalwide Flow is Key to Competitive Advantage

In a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and EmCare, a leading physician practice management company, Thom Mayer, MD, CEO of BestPractices and executive vice president of EmCare, and Kirk Jensen, MD, CMO of BestPractices and chief innovation officer at EmCare, dicussed how hardwiring hospitalwide flow can help organizations move forward and attain change in their facilities.

Robotic technology propels orthopedic ASCs into the future

Orthopedic surgeons are more regularly using robotic technology to achieve highly accurate and precisely placed partial knee replacements, and now ambulatory surgery centers are beginning to implement the technology.

Top 4 things the CFO needs to know about purchased services

In today's ever-evolving healthcare environment, hospital CFOs face a number of challenges.These include changing reimbursement levels, the transition to ICD-10 and the trend toward hospital consolidation, in addition to their ongoing effort to drive cost savings and drive value creation for their hospital. According to a report by Standard & Poor's, healthcare systems in the U.S. saw expenses outpace revenue growth for the first time since 2008.

How Penn State Hershey Medical Center improved patient care by improving employee learning

When healthcare employees are engaged in their work, it means lower turnover, greater efficiencies and improved patient care. But many hospitals and health systems may be overlooking one key component that can drive higher staff engagement: Training and development.

Endoscopes and MDROs: How to avoid an outbreak

Hospitals and health systems across the nation have taken notice of the risks associated with some endoscopic procedures and the spread of multidrug-resistant organisms to patients. The "superbug" outbreaks that occurred in Seattle at Virginia Mason, in Los Angeles at UCLA and elsewhere could potentially occur at any facility.

First step toward success under bundled payments: Care redesign

Valued-based payments are here to stay. However, as the government and commercial insurers depart from traditional fee-for-service reimbursement models and shift toward care delivery systems that reward value, providers face numerous challenges.

4 tips for improving communication and helping nurses get back to the patient's bedside

In a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Molly Gamble, Editor-in-Chief of Becker's Hospital Review, Rhonda Collins, RN, CNO for Vocera Communications, and Mary Beth Mitchell, RN, CNIO for Arlington-based Texas Health Resources, outlined four tactics hospitals should employ to bring the communication pieces together so nurses can spend more time at patients' bedsides.

The value-based contracting playbook webinar outlines 5 steps for effective risk management

As providers think about population health management, they must approach value-based contracting arrangements carefully. These payer-provider contracts can be the key to targeting specific market segments and geographic regions when executed effectively. However, if they are not carefully designed, value-based contracts may not be sustainable and could have a negative financial impact on provider organizations.

How to manage physician referrals to cut costs and improve satisfaction  

In a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Francisco Loya, MD, CEO of EmCare Hospital Medicine, and Mirza Baig, chief technology officer of EmCare Hospital Medicine, outlined a few ways hospital executives can improve engagement with community physicians and enhance the referral process.

Cloud access: Enhancing clinical care mobility

Mobile devices are becoming more commonplace in healthcare as convenient and accessible tools for clinical communication, care coordination and patient engagement. What's more, the number and type of mobile devices available continues to grow, as vendors and technology companies develop and produce new offerings. Gareth Hall, director of worldwide health at Microsoft, said in a June 2 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review that mobility is the new norm in healthcare. Approximately 66 percent of hospital employees use personal devices for work purposes, and 80 percent of employees frequently work away from their desks on mobile devices, he said. As healthcare becomes more integrated, and by nature more complicated, the ability to be mobile becomes more important, Mr. Hall said.

Devising new talent strategies for the future of healthcare: A case study

The changes and challenges facing every U.S. healthcare organization today are driving the need for innovative and effective talent strategies, for without a unified workforce and strong cultural alignment, it will be impossible to deliver better care at lower costs.

How healthcare's biggest trends influenced ProMedica Toldeo Hospital's decision to adopt the SEDASYS® System

In a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Mark D. Dixon, RPh MHA, FACHE, president of The Mark Dixon Group, and Joseph Sferra, MD, vice president of surgical services and general surgeon at ProMedica Toledo (Ohio) Hospital, discussed the biggest trends in healthcare and how this led to the hospital's adoption of the SEDASYS Computer-Assisted Personalized Sedation System.

How HAIs lead to direct, indirect and unintended hospital costs

In a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Lynn White, MD, practicing anesthesiologist and president of Patient Shield Concepts, discussed how much hospital-associated infections really cost hospitals.

Referral networks, stopping leakage and technology investments: 5 top revenue generation strategies for CFOs

In the new value-based health economy, hospitals and health systems are turning to new strategies to drive revenue growth. Organizations are employing new technologies, developing strategic partnerships with community providers and looking for new ways to coordinate care and improve efficiency.

5 ways to maximize savings with freight management

When approached with active participation from suppliers, hospital staff and carriers, freight management programs allow hospitals and health systems to garner substantial savings on parcels and large freight they already ship from their facility and receive directly from suppliers on a daily basis.

Be proactive, not reactive: Best practices to shield physician arrangements from Stark, AKS liability

As federal and state governments face budget shortfalls, hospital-physician arrangements face increasing Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute enforcement actions. Yet the rules of these laws remain broad and complex.

How both the private and public sector are accelerating the move to accountability

Now that the concept of value-based care is being discussed widely in healthcare, companies in both the public and private sectors are helping to drive the transformation in the healthcare system. The formation of the Health Care Transformation Task Force in January 2015 has indicated a drive among stakeholders to encourage innovation in aiding the industry through a transition period.

7 key lessons for establishing healthy hospital-physician ASC partnerships

In partnering with ASCs, both hospitals and physicians can gain efficiencies and improve their attractiveness to payers, third party administrators, IPAs and patients. While all parties stand to gain significant benefits from ASC joint ventures, some potential hazards exist.

Care coordination in a post-EHR world: How CRM and mobile tools are enabling change

In a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Damon Auer, vice president of healthcare at business application and application and cloud soultion firm Tribridge, discussed the growing need for CRM tools and how they can benefit care providers.

Playbook to CMS' Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program: What hospitals need to know

Our current healthcare delivery model is one in which hospitals act on the frontlines of defense — particularly by treating high-risk patients in emergency departments — with less emphasis on primary care and self-management.

Improving patient outcomes by staff satisfaction through digital rounding

In a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Doug McPherson, director of accounts for CipherHealth, Jenny Snodgrass, IT System Coordinator for Sentara Healthcare, and Berlinda E. Bowdwin, RN, a clinical nurse manager at Sentara Princess Anne Healthcare, discussed the how a digital rounding platform can improve staff satisfaction and improve patient outcomes.

3 stages of turning data into analytic insights for population health management

In a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Herman Jenich, senior vice president of product development and information management for xG Health Solutions, and Janet Tomcavage, RN, senior vice president and chief of value-based care strategic initiatives for Geisinger Health System in Danville, Pa., and chief of population health for xG Health Solutions, shared how to incorporate data and analytics into population health strategies.

7 common traits of a successful OR and how to achieve them

In a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Jeff Peters, MBA, president and CEO of Surgical Directions, and Alecia Torrance, MBA, BS, RN, CNOR, senior vice president of clinical operations at Surgical Directions, shared the common characteristics of successful perioperative service lines, as well as tools to optimize them in an era of falling payments and rising quality expectations. 

7 sins of suboptimal disinfecting and how to mitigate them

In a webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and Sealed Air, Peter Teska, global healthcare sector expert from Sealed Air, and Nicole Kenny, senior director of professional and technical services of Virox Technologies, shared some of the most common barriers to optimal disinfecting and how to overcome them.

INVOS Regional Oximetry in cardiac surgery outcomes: A valuation analysis

In a webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and Medtronic, cardiac surgeon and SSM Health cardiovascular department chairman David A. Theodoro, Medtronic's repiratory and monitoring solutions director of marketing for U.S. advanced parameters Julie Pettigrew and president and CEO of data analytics company PotentiaMED Robert Palmer discussed the benefits of a cerebral oxygenation system and its potential benefits in treating high-risk patients.

10 ways lean strategies support the healthcare workforce and improve healthcare delivery

In a webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and Kronos, renown author and vice president of customer success at KaiNexus Mark Graban, and Gregg Gordon, senior director of strategic consulting at Kronos, discussed the "people side of lean strategies" and various staffing techniques to ensure organizations are utilizing their staff to the fullest.

5 strategic advantages of improved facility management in healthcare

In a webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and Johnson Controls Global WorkPlace Solutions, John Summers, vice president, Global WorkPlace Solutions, and Todd Siple, account director, Global WorkPlace Solutions, discussed the impact of enterprise facility management on healthcare's value equation. 

How to succeed under risk-based payment models

In a webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and Columbia, Md.-based xG Health Solutions, Earl Steinberg, MD, CEO of xG Health Solutions and executive vice president of innovation and dissemination at Danville, Pa.-based Geisinger Health System, and Ray Herschman, president and COO of xG Health Solutions, provided guidance for organizations embarking on new risk-based payment models.

Revolutionizing the physician preference item supply chain: How to achieve end-to-end product visibility

During a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Carola Endicott, vice president of services and operations for Cardinal Health, Mike Hughes, vice president of supply chain and logistics for Cook Medical, and Alan McQueen, director of supply chain logistics and distribution at St. Louis-based BJC HealthCare, discussed a collaboration launched by the three organizations to address the significant waste and inefficiency experienced in BJC's supply chain for high-value implantables.

Patient satisfaction in outpatient spine & orthopedic surgery: Multimodal pain management is key

Becker's Healthcare hosted a webinar on Dec. 15, featuring Paul Jeffords, MD, a spine surgeon at Atlanta-based Resurgens Spine Center and section chief of orthopedic surgery at Emory Saint Joseph's Hospital, discussed moving complex spine and orthopedic cases from the hospital to the outpatient setting.

Competing With an ASC? How Hospitals Can Win

In a July 15 webinar hosted by Surgical Directions, the consulting firm's president and CEO Jeff Peters discussed how hospitals can compete with ambulatory surgery centers in their markets for physicians and case volume.

Leveraging technology: Using big data to make better purchasing decisions in the orthopedic service line

In a webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review on July 31, a panel of experts discussed data collection efforts by national orthopedic registries as well as new solutions that make supply purchasing in the orthopedic service line more effective.

How telehealth can help organizations beat the competition

The growing implementation of telemedicine and subsequent strategy was the topic of discussion in a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and presented by American Well.

5 essential considerations when bringing total joints to ASCs

During a Dec. 9 webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review and Pacira, Patrick Toy, MD, an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, and Benjamin Domb, MD, an assistant clinical professor with Loyola University in Chicago, laid out five imperative steps to take before introducing total hip and total knee replacement procedures in the ASC setting.

Finding technology that drives efficiency & profit: 6 steps to successful ASC health IT acquistion

During a Dec. 4 webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review, Chuck Meisel, vice president of sales with Surgical Notes, defined six steps for ASC leaders to take when looking for a technology solution that supports operational and financial improvement at their centers.

The hidden opportunity to significantly increase profits: Maximizing out-of-network reimbursements

In a webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and Rockville, Md.-based Collect Rx, John Bartos, JD, CEO of Collect Rx, highlighted the importance of out-of-network reimbursements for hospital leaders looking to improve profitability.

Ensuring physician career satisfaction and success: A new model

In an Oct. 29 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and sponsored by Select International, Sam Agnew, MD, president of Global Trauma Solutions, and Michael Rose, MD, a member of the McLeod Health Board of Trustees and vice president of surgical services of the Florence, S.C.-based health system, discussed new approaches to addressing the issues physisicians are facing today from both the hospital and physician point of view. Bryan Warren, manager of healthcare solutions at Select International moderated the discussion.

Changes ahead for the healthcare workforce: How to prepareIn a Sept. 30 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, two experts from AMN Healthcare — Marcia Faller, Ph.D., RN, chief clinical officer, and Brenda Fischer, PhD, RN, MBA, vice president of education and professional advancement — discussed what healthcare leaders can do to ensure effective workforce planning in the changing industry.

The safe surgery checklist guide: From source tools to implementationDuring an Oct. 9 webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review, Michelle George, RN, MSN, CASC, vice president of clinical services with Surgical Care Affiliates, and Lisa Sinsel, group director of clinical services with SCA, delved into the history of safe surgery checklists and how ambulatory surgery center leaders can make the most of these tools. 

How technology can bolster antimicrobial stewardship programs

In a webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and VigiLanz, a provider of clinical decision support surveillance software, panelists discussed how technology and clinical decision support systems can bolster antimicrobial stewardship programs.

Clinical integration: A key to improving patient flowThe most recent Physicians Foundation survey found nearly 80 percent of healthcare providers reported being either overextended or at capacity, further illustrating the current capacity and patient flow issues. However, in a recent webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review,Dr. Jensen and Mark Hamm, CEO of EmCare Hospital Medicine, suggested integrating clinical services with ED services can help optimize patient flow and clinical care.

Looking to Lean: Innovative ideas in ASC supply chain management

In a webinar hosted by Becker's Healthcare on Sept. 25, Ned Turner, senior vice president of perioperative supply management consulting at Mundelein, Ill.-based Medline, discussed common challenges in supply chain management at ambulatory surgery centers and how they can be overcome by making changes in processes around supply chain.

Building successful ASC out-of-network strategy in the current healthcare environment

In a webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review on Sept. 16,

John Bartos, JD, CEO of Collect Rx, outlined the key steps ambulatory surgery center leaders can take to build an out-of-network strategy in a healthcare environment being reshaped by reform and increasing downward pressure from payers.

Download the webinar presentation.Download a PDF of the presentation.

How to achieve transformational change across your hospital — beginning with the lab: 4 lessons from North Memorial Health Care

In a webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review on Aug. 20, Bobbi Kochevar, director of diagnostic and therapy services at Minneapolis-based North Memorial Health Care, and founder and CEO Brad Bostic discussed North Memorial's lab remarkable turnaround and offered the following four strategies for health systems looking to similarly increase efficiency and accountability.

8 critical healthcare legal issues for ASCs In a webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review on Aug. 31, National Medical Billing Services President Lisa Rock and NMBS Director of Legislative Research and Advocacy Diana Hilliard, JD, discussed eight of the most pressing legal issues for ambulatory surgery centers. Download the webinar presentation.Download a PDF of the presentation.

Leveraging technology: Using big data to make better purchasing decisions in the orthopedic service lineIn a webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review on July 31, a panel of experts discussed data collection efforts by national orthopedic registries as well as new solutions that make supply purchasing in the orthopedic service line more effective.

Hospitals That Successfully Compete With ASCs Have Adopted Common StrategiesIn a July 15 webinar hosted by Surgical Directions, the consulting firm's president and CEO Jeff Peters discussed how hospitals can compete with ambulatory surgery centers in their markets for physicians and case volume.

Social Media in Healthcare TodayHealthcare reform and the aging population are not the only forces changing the healthcare landscape: social and digital media are as well, according to Kendra Simpson, vice president of Social@Ogilvy.

The Supply Chain's Role in Making or Breaking Hospitals' Margins, Competitive EdgeDuring a June 18th webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, John H. Cunningham, Senior Vice President, Client Operations of MedAssets, Inc. and Steve Chyung, Vice President Supply Chain Management & Real Estate of SCL Health System, discussed how to identify leading supply chain principles and critical business processes as a source of strategic advantage for your supply chain.  They also described the best ways to adapt industry models to the unique environment of the healthcare supply chain in hospitals. 

Is Your ASC Ready for a Crisis? During a June 17th webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review, Laurie Deihs, RN, MS, MPH, Assistant Director, Education of Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Heath Care and Kris Kilgore, RN, BSN, Administrative Director, Grand Rapids Ophthalmology Surgical Care Center and Surveyor of Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care discussed developing an internal emergency and disaster plan to address the risks of your ASC.  They also reviewed implementing simulation-based training by using clinically-based scenarios in order to make your ASCs action plan the most effective.

4 Steps to Add Value to Established Joint Venture ASCs During a May 30 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Robert Zasa, MSHHA, FACMPE, managing partner of ASD Management, discussed four strategies to support growth of established joint venture ASCs.

CIO Senior Leadership Series

During a May 21 webinar hosted by Becker's Hopsital Review, Lee Carmen, CIO of University of Iowa Hospitals in Iowa City and David Chou, CIO of University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, provided insight and guidance on being a CIO in today's healthcare environment.
Developing Your Payer Mix for Your In-Network / Out-of-Network StrategyDuring an May 6 webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review, Kelly Webb, General Manager and Vice President of Operations for MediGain's ASC Billing Division discussed high-deductibles, baseline pricing, exchange insurance and having a "hybrid strategy" in today's healthcare system.
5 Observations and Concerns From Hospital and Health System CFOsDuring an April 23 webinar moderated by Scott Becker, JD, publisher of Becker's Hospital Review, and Becker's Senior Editor Bob Herman, Kevin Holloran, director of Standard & Poor's Ratings Service's nonprofit healthcare group, and three CFOs — Gary Weiss of Evanston, Ill.-based NorthShore University HealthSystem, Harry Reese of  Ochsner Medical Center in  New Orleans, and Michael Schaefer of Dallas-based Methodist Health System — discussed the financial pressures facing nonprofit hospitals and health systems. 
HealthCare Appraisers 2014 ASC Valuation SurveyDuring an April 17 webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review, Todd J. Mello, ASA, CVA, MBA, founding partner of HealthCare Appraiser, and Nicholas A. Newsad, MHSA, a manager with HealthCare Appraisers, discussed the HealthCare Appraisers 2014 Valuation Survey. The survey serves as a tool with which ASC leaders can gain a sense of the overarching valuation and ASC company trends shaping the industry.
The Role of Behaviors and Talent in Patient Safety and Organizational CultureIn an April 15 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, experts from Select International discussed the role of behaviors and talent in patient safety and organizational culture. The webinar featured Michael Rose, MD, vice president of surgical services for five-hospital McLeod Health in Florence, S.C., and Ted Kinney, PhD, director of research and development for Pittsburgh-based Select International.
Bullish on Bundled Payments: How Specialists Can Benefit From the ProgramIn an April 10 webinar hosted by Becker's Healthcare, two presenters — John Cherf, MD, president of OrthoIndex, an orthopedic surgeon at the Chicago Institute of Orthopedics and a member of OrthoCentrix Solutions; and Dave Terry, CEO of Archway Health Advisors — gave a background of CMS' bundled payment program, and specifically why specialists may want to give it a try.

The Secret Formula for Using Secure Texting Hospital-WideIn an April 9 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review and sponsored by secure texting solution provider Amcom Software, representatives from two hospitals described how they were able to successfully implement a secure texting solution at their organizations and the resulting benefits.
How Will Healthcare Reform's Coverage Requirements Affect ASCs?In an April 2 webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Reiew, Tom Jacobs, MBA, president and CEO of MedHQ and John Merski, Jr., executive director of human resources services at MedHQ, explained how and when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will affect health benefits and how ambulatory surgery center leaders can prepare.

Treating Lumbar Spinal Stenosis With Interlaminar StabilizationIn a March 26 webinar hosted by Becker's Healthcare, Hallett Mathews, MD, Executive Vice President and CMO of Paradigm Spine, LLC, and James Chappuis, MD, discussed the value created by the use of the coflex® Interlaminar Stabilization™ device for treating lumbar spinal stenosis.

Take Back Control of the OR: How a Rep Replacement Model SucceedsIn a March 20 webinar hosted by Becker's Healthcare, Implant Partners Vice President and Lead Partner Steve Lamb and Partner Alignment Leader Jason Baty explained how an orthopedic rep replacement model can help hospitals take back control of their operating rooms.

The Fast Approaching ICD-10 Deadline: How Can ASC Leaders Prepare?In a March 12 webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review, Mary Bort, CPC, CANPC, CASCC, COSC, director of coding with Surgical Notes, discussed the upcoming ICD-10 transition and what ambulatory surgery center leaders can do to prepare.
15 Key Trends and Issues for Hospital and Health System TransactionsIn a Feb. 27 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Scott Becker, JD, chairman of the McGuireWoods healthcare department and publisher of Becker's Healthcare, discussed 15 of the biggest merger and acquisition trends within the hospital sector.
4 Key Insights on Addressing Cost Variation for Specialty Services

In a Feb. 13 webinar titled "Can You Afford to be Accountable for Specialty Care? A New Approach for Identifying Variation & Risk in Specialty Care Episodes," Brett Furst, CEO of healthcare analytics and software firm ArborMetrix and ArborMetrix Chief Scientific Officer John Birkmeyer, MD, discussed how healthcare providers can pinpoint and address the reasons for variation in specialty care episode payments. David Miller, MD — division chief and  associate professor of urology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor — also spoke about variation in specialty care reimbursement. Here are four key insights from the webinar.

Real Bottom-Line Savings: Why Hospitals Should Re-evaluate Purchased ServicesIn a Jan. 16 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Beverly Schierer, vice president of research and analysis of MD Buyline;, Laurie Clayton, regional director of contracting of St. Joseph Health's Northern California Region in Santa Rosa, and Cris O'Neal-Gavin, system contract manager of purchased services of St. Louis, Mo.-based SSM Health Care, shared their facilities' best practices and success stories of reducing operational costs by examining their purchased services contracts.
What's Next? 22 Observations on ASCs for 2014In a Dec. 17 webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review, Scott Becker, publisher of Becker's Healthcare and chairman of the healthcare department at McGuireWoods law firm in Chicago, discussed his observations for the ambulatory surgery center industry currently, as well as where the sector is headed.

 The Two-Midnight Rule: What Hospitals and Health Systems Need to Know About Compliance

In a Dec. 3 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Ms. Finis; Rodger Fletcher, senior product manager of TeleTracking; Stephanie Kitt, director of clinical documentation, utilization and coding at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago; and Becker's Editor Bob Herman discussed what hospitals and health systems need to know about the two-midnight rule, how it will affect them and best practices for compliance.

How to Measure Leadership Impact on Hospital PerformanceIn a Nov. 19 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Jean Chenoweth, senior vice president at Truven Health Analytics who is responsible for the 100 Top Hospital programs, explained that leadership can be measured and has a huge affect on a hospital's performance.
The Next Big Step for Health System Integration: Healthcare TransportationIn a webinar on Nov. 13 hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, three presenters — Mark Dixon, president of The Mark Dixon Group, Jake Crampton, CEO of MedSpeed, and Steve Statz, senior vice president of business development at Avera Health in Sioux Falls, S.D. — gave a background of the operating challenges health systems face and described how a healthcare transportation strategy can better align systems and drive value along the way.
How to Initiate Information Governance: 5 StepsOn Nov. 4, 2013, Lesley Kadlec, MA, RHIA, director of HIM practice excellence at AHIMA and Lydia Washington, MS, RHIA, CPHIMS, senior director of HIM practice excellence at AHIMA, presented a webinar titled "Information Governance for Healthcare Executives." They discussed five best practices for initiating an information governance structure at a hospital or health system.

Opening a Window of Opportunity: Outsourcing Procurement at Surgery Centers

On Oct. 29, 2013, Vice President of Procurement at Provista Jon Pruitt, MHA, CMRP, presented a webinar titled "The Business Case for Outsourcing Procurement." Mr. Pruitt discussed the supply chain benefits of outsourcing procurement at ambulatory surgery centers. 

Total Joint & Spine Reimbursement: Overcome 5 Big ChallengesOn Oct. 16, 2013, Senior Manager, Coding & Coverage Access at Specialty Healthcare Advisers, a subsidiary of Musculoskeletal Clinical Regulatory Advisers, Carolyn Neumann, CPC, presented a webinar titled "How to Overcome the 5 Biggest Reimbursement Challenges in Total Joint & Spine Coding."
The Evolving Value-Based World: Why Improving Clincial Care Will Optimize Future ReimbursementsIn an Oct. 15 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, several executives with MedAssets — Executive Vice President and CMO Nick Sears, MD, Senior Vice President of Lean Healthcare Consulting Dave Munch, MD, and Vice President of Reimbursement Strategies and Analytics Mah-Jabeen Soobader, PhD — covered how revenue enhancement, resource management and physician alignment will change in the shift to value-based care.
How Weight-Bearing MRIs Can Improve Care & Lower Costs While Meeting Milliman CriteriaIn an Oct. 2 Esaote webinar, Douglas Smith, MD, and Stephen Hochschuler, MD, discussed the advantages of using a standing or supine weight-bearing imaging system, specifically the G-Scan Brio from Esaote, as opposed to a traditional MRI scan. They also shared how to present the tests to CMS and commercial payers in order to meet the Milliman Care Guidelines.

The Power of the Checklist: How to Create a Culture of Patient Safety at ASCsSurgical Care Affiliates Senior Vice President of Clinical Services & Training Linda Lansing and Vice President of Clinical Services Michelle George gave a webinar titled "Implementing Safe Surgery Checklists at Your Surgery Center" on Oct. 1. The presentation touched on several important aspects of safe surgery checklists, including how to develop and successfully implement checklists at surgery centers.

Improving Patient Care: Pre-Surgical Skin Antisepsis StandardizationIn a Sept. 24 CareFusion webinar, Sharon Butler, MSN, RN, shared key steps for building and implementing a standardized pre-surgical skin antisepsis protocol. Ms. Butler explained how the protocal was implemented at Stanford University Hospital and how standardization can help all healthcare providers.

3 Key Concepts that Factor Into Physician Practice ValuationIn a Sept. 18 webinar, Stuart Neiberg, a manager for HealthCare Appraisers, shared his professional perspective on key concepts that factor into physician practice valuation including the acquisition structure, different approaches to determining fair market value and intangible value generation.
Boosting Patient Satisfaction in the ED: What Hospitals Should and Shouldn't DoIn a Sept. 17 webinar, experts from Select International discussed steps for hospitals to boost their patient satisfaction scores, especially in the emergency department..
Navigating the Journey: How Hospitals Can Transition From Providing Care to Managing HealthIn a Sept. 10 webinar, Miles Snowden, MD, CMO of Optum, explained that providers are trying to improve their structures through the flow of information, intelligent data analytics and aligned priorities, but it's not always an easy journey. In fact, going from where the system is now — providing care to sick people — to a system that proactively manages the health of a population is the very sticking point for many providers.

ICD-10 Transition: Where Surgery Centers Should Be & How to Proceed

National Medical Billing Services Senior Vice President, Coding Angela Talton, MBA, RHIA, CCS, CPC, CPC-H, discussed how ambulatory surgery centers can prepare for the transition to ICD-10 in a webinar titled "Where ASCs Should Be with ICD-10" on Aug. 22.

 14M Newly Insured Will Hit the Market Next Year: How to Start Preparing

In an Aug. 29 webinar titled "What to Expect from the Newly Insured," sponsored by Truven Health Analytics, Bob Kelley, senior vice president of the Center for Healthcare Analytics at Truven Health, and Linda MacCracken, vice president of advisory services for Truven Health, shared insight on the large population of Americans gaining insurance in the next four years and how provider organizations can prepare for the flood of newly insured patients.

Ensuring That Your Surgical Service Line is Successful in an ACO, Value-Based Purchasing and Bundled Payment Environment

During an Aug. 27 webinar, Jeff Peters, president and CEO of Surgical Directions, and Joseph Bosco, MD, vice chairman for clinical affairs at the Hospital for Joint Diseases' department of orthopedic surgery in New York City, discussed transforming perioperative services for accountable care organizations.

What Can You Do on Monday to Lower Your Supply Costs

In a webinar titled "What Can You Do On Monday to Lower Your Supply Costs" Chris Klassen, Vice President of Supply Chain for Surgical Care Affiliates, discussed the most important factors for lowering supply costs at surgical facilities. Ambulatory surgery center administrators must understand product utilization in the operating room as well as supply contracting to comprehend overall costs and realize savings.

Navigating the Challenges of ICD-10 & RAC

Timothy Meakem, MD, the medical director of ProVation Medical, recently gave a webinar presentation titled "Utilizing Procedure Documentation to Overcome the Challenges of ICD-10 and RAC." ProVation Medical is a Wolters Kluwer Health documentation and clinical decision support solutions company serving the healthcare industry.

4 Ways New Technology Can Benefit a Spine Surgeon's Practice

During a July 17 webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review, Hallett Mathews, MD, executive vice president and chief medical officer of Paradigm Spine, moderated a panel on how spine surgeons can benefit from adopting the coflex® Interlaminar Stablization technology. The presentation panel consisted of John Peloza, MD, of The Center for Spine Care in Dallas; Michael Musacchio, MD, of The Center for Spine Care; Richard Salib, MD, of the Institute for Low Back and Neck Care in Minneapolis; and Glenn Keiper, MD, of KeiperSpine in Eugene, Ore.

How Surgery Centers Can Save Big Dollars With Medical Device Reprocessing

During a July 16 webinar hosted by Becker's ASC Review, Timothy Merchant, vice president of sales and reprocessing at MEDISISS, and Jason Wandersee, CEO of MEDISISS, discussed how medical device reprocessing can translate into significant savings for ambulatory surgery centers. Mr. Merchant and Mr. Wandersee explained exaclty where savings can be found and how reprocessing maintains quality of care, while giving surgery center leaders the ability to be cost conscious. 

 A Hospital Might Perform Well — But is it Healthy?

During a June 26 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, experts from two McKinsey Solutions — Objective Health and the Organizational Health Index — discussed why providers should assess and actively manage their organizational health. The webinar featured presenters Connie Cibrone, senior director of client services with Objective Health, Elizabeth Irons, COO for McKinsey & Company's Organizational Health Index Solution, and Carla Arellano, head of marketing for McKinsey's Organizational Health Index Solution.

Business Analytics for Healthcare Organizations: Maximize Information While Minimizing Efforts

During a June 20 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Therese Poland, RN, and Susan Lautner, RN, experts from the Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program in Chicago, and Jeanne M. Robinson, APN, coordinator of the stroke response and neurology teams at Kettering Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio, explained the different levels of stroke center designation and how regional partnerships between the tiers can enhance patient care.

How to Build Regional Collaborations to Enhance Stroke Care

During a June 20 webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Therese Poland, RN, and Susan Lautner, RN, experts from the Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program in Chicago, and Jeanne M. Robinson, APN, coordinator of the stroke response and neurology teams at Kettering Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio, explained the different levels of stroke center designation and how regional partnerships between the tiers can enhance patient care.

How and Why Emotional Intelligence is Affecting Hospitals' Bottom Lines

Experts from University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Pittsburgh-based healthcare employee assessment firm Select International recently presented a webinar on the role of emotional intelligence in hospitals' patient-centered care delivery, satisfaction scores, clinical outcomes and finances. Bryan Warren, manager of healthcare solutions at Select International, Ted Kinney, PhD, consulting manager, and director of research and development with Select International, and Michael Anderson, vice president of human resources within the Physician Services division of UPMC, presented the webinar.

How HR Information Systems Can Save Even the Most Cost-Effective ASCs Real Dollars

MedHQ recently hosted a webinar titled "How HR Information Systems Save Even the Most Cost-Effective ASCs Real Dollars." MedHQ president Tom Jacobs and the company’s executive director of human resources, John Merski Jr., explained dollar-by-dollar how HR information systems save ASCs $50,000-$300,000.  

3 Strategic Considerations for Hospitals and Health Systems

Scott Becker, JD, CPA, hosted a webinar covering key strategic issues hospitals and health systems across the country are facing today, including a look at physician alignment, sustainability and accountable care organizations.

Driving Unwarranted Clinical Variation Out of a Hospital: Key Strategies

Objective Health, a McKinsey Solution, sponsored a webinar titled "Managing Clinical Variation to Drive Cost Efficiency and Improve Patient Care," which featured a discussion on strategies for hospitals to reduce unwarranted clinical variation.

 4 Points on How ASCs Can Make Going Out of Network Work

MediGain sponsored a webinar titled "The ASC Revenue Trifecta: Payor Mix, OON and PPO." The webinar featured a discussion about why ASCs go out-of-network and other revenue-generation issues. 

5 Strategies to Reduce Human Resources Costs at Surgery Centers

MedHQ sponsored a webinar titled "Controlling the Rising Costs of Human Resources: 5 Ways to Lower Expenses While Navigating PPACA Benefits Changes." The webinar featured Tom Jacobs, CEO and co-founder of MedHQ, and John Merski Jr., executive vice president and partner at MedHQ.

How Standardizing IP Protocols in ASCs Can Enhance Quality

CareFusion sponsored a webinar titled "How Standardizing IP Protocols in ASCs Can Enhance Quality." The webinar featured Chuck Peck, MD, Managing Director, Navigant Consulting and Leader of Clinical Operational Effectiveness, and TK Miller, MD, Associate Professor of Surgery at Virginia Tech/Carillion School of Medicine and Medical Director at Roanoke Ambulatory Surgery.

HealthCare Appraisers Share Valuation Tips and TrendsHealthCare Appraisers sponsored a webinar titled "What is a Surgery Center Worth? Multiples & Other Findings From HealthCare Appraisers' 2013 ASC Valuation Survey." The webinar featured Todd Mello, ASA, AVA, MBA, and Jason Ruchaber, CFA, ASA, both partners at HealthCare Appraisers' Denver office.

Strategies for Surgical Service Line Success Under Accountable CareSurgical Directions sponsored a webinar titled "Managing Surgical Services Lines Under Accountable Care and Value-Based Purchasing." The webinar featured Jeff Peters, president and CEO of Surgical Directions.

5 Big Out-of-Network Myths Debunked for Surgery CentersJohn Bartos, CEO of Collect Rx, presented a webinar titled "Debunking the Myths of Out-of-Network Reimbursement." During the presentation, Mr. Bartos spoke about the payor approach to reducing out-of-network reimbursements, opportunities for ambulatory surgery centers to continue with out-of-network and the five biggest myths about OON.

4 Commonly Cited ASC Infection Prevention Survey DeficienciesThe Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care sponsored this webinar covering commonly cited ambulatory surgery center infection prevention survey deficiencies. The webinar featured Marsha Wallander, RN, associate director of AAAHC, and Marcia Patrick, RN, MSN, CIC, an infection prevention consultant and member of the board of directors of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology.

Community Hospital Partnership Considerations: Lessons Learned From Hillcrest Health's Partnership With Scott & WhiteCommunity Hospital Corporation sponsored this webinar covering considerations for community hospitals considering a partnership or relationship. The webinar featured Mike Williams, president and CEO of Community Hospital Corporation, and Glenn Robinson, CEO of Hillcrest Health System in Waco, Texas.

5 Enablers for Population Health ManagementObjective Health, a McKinsey Solution, sponsored this webinar covering key enablers for the development of population health strategies. The webinar featured James Stanford, client service executive with Objective Health, and Luis Almeida Fernandes, Greg Gilbert, Peter Groves and Will Wright, all with McKinsey & Company.

10 Key Issues for ASCsSourceMedical sponsored this webinar covering important issues for ASCs going forward. The webinar featured Scott Becker, JD, Chairman of the Healthcare Department at McGuireWoods and publisher of Becker's ASC Review and Becker's Hospital Review, who shared business and legal information for ASCs.

Implementing a Safe Surgery Checklist at ASCsSurgical Care Affiliates sponsored this webinar covering the use of safe surgery checklists to meet CMS and regulatory requirements. The webinar featured Linda Lansing and Kelly Bemis of SCA, who shared clinical and operational guidelines to help ASCs comply with checklist requirements.

The Road to Population Health: Key ConsiderationsExperts from Objective Health, a McKinsey Solution, discussed trends in population-based care delivery models. The webinar featured Amit Shah, MD, and James Stanford, who shared their input on what they are seeing in the industry and implications for providers.

Cost? Growth? Quality? Patient Safety? In 18 Months, Radiology Could Be Your Most Important Service LineHank Schlissberg, chief strategy officer, and Frank Seidelmann, DO, co-founder, chairman of radiology and CMO of the national radiology group Radisphere, discussed six ways healthcare providers can improve the current radiology delivery model.

Key Considerations: Should a Hospital Own or Joint Venture an ASCChristian Ellison, senior vice president of corporate development for Health Inventures, discussed the future role of ambulatory surgery centers, key considerations for hospitals deciding to own or joint venture with an ambulatory surgery center and factors to a successful joint venture.

70% of Hospital Strategic Initiatives Fail: How Hospitals Can Avoid Those FailuresGauthier van Eetvelde, a consultant for McKinsey & Company, and Objective Health executives — James Stanford, client service executive, and Josh Sens, CIO — explain how hospitals can avoid those failures through new ways of understanding change management.

Adopting Electronic Hand Hygiene Monitoring Systems to Boost Patient SafetyThomas Diller, MD, MMM, vice president of clinical effectiveness and quality at Greenville (S.C.) Hospital System University Medical Center, and Heather McLarney, vice president of marketing at hand hygiene product supplier DebMed, discussed hand hygiene compliance and the differences between direct observation and electronic hand hygiene monitoring.

Solving ASC Supply Challenges, Cost Issues With Data-Driven Decision MakingJon Pruitt, MHA, CMRP, vice president of procurement solutions for Provista, discussed how data-driven supply chain decision-making can help ambulatory surgery centers keep costs down.

Hospital Joint Venture ASCs: The Model of the FutureCEO of Blue Chip Surgical Partners Jeff Leland and President of SNVMC/Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center Megan Perry, discussed an effective partnership between physicians and hospitals on a joint venture surgery center and where the future is headed for boutique ASCs.

7 Ways Analytics Can Help Hospitals Gain Competitive EdgeTwo experts from iVantage Health Analytics discussed seven strategies to compete using analytics. LeeAnne Denney, executive vice president, and Scott Goodspeed, DHA, FACHE, principal and vice president, stressed the need for hospitals to understand and analyze data in an integrated manner.

Cost Cutter or Value Killer? Finding the Right Answers When Looking For Equipment Service Cost-SavingsMike Parrella, vice president of service of the Midwest zone for Siemens; Jason Raak, director of service for Siemens; and Diane Frazier, manager of Swedish Issaquah (Wash.) Imaging, discussed six simple questions hospitals and imaging centers should ask in order to properly evaluate the real costs and benefits associated with OEM and third-party service providers. These questions should be reviewed before making decision on any medical equipment investments, especially imaging systems.

Achieving Positive Medicare Margins: 5 Strategies for HospitalsEric Flyckt, MD, director of client analytics for Objective Health, shared five critical strategies for hospitals to achieve positive Medicare margins.

The Secrets to Creating a Culture of Individual Accountability and ExecutionScott Regan, founder and CEO of Atlanta-based execution management and strategic planning software company AchieveIt, shared tips for creating a culture of accountability and execution.

ICD-10 - Are You Prepared?Kevin McDonald, senior vice president of ASC billing services for SourceMedical, spoke with a panel of industry professionals on how ASCs can best prepare for the upcoming switch to ICD-10 coding system. The panel consisted of George Kaplinkski, vice president of operations of ASC Billing Services at SourceMedical; Betty Gomez, vice president of IT operations at ZirMed; Ron Pelletier, vice president of market strategy at SourceMedical; Laurie Spinner, compliance manager of ASC Billing Services at SourceMedical; and Angie Hicks, director of product management at SourceMedical.

How Culture Drives, or Hinders, Performance and OutcomesRhonda Larimore, vice president and chief human resource officer with Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, and Ted Kinney, PhD, senior consultant with Select International, discussed six key steps for hospital leaders who are trying to implement a culture change within their organization.

ASC - PPO-Out of Network Payments are not Dead!Kelly Webb, CEO of ASC Billing Specialist, discussed how an out-of-network reimbursement strategy can still work for surgery centers, despite payors pressuring providers to go in-network. 

Reducing Physician Variation: How to Maximize Cost Savings by Integrating Each Physician's Best Practices with Hospital Case ManagementWilliam Mohlenbrock, MD, founder and CMO of Verras and a practicing orthopedic surgeon at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, Calif., discussed physician variation, included four clinical case management focus areas to reduce physician variation, improve quality and save costs.

Developing an ASC Joint Venture Strategy That Works: Balancing Ownership and Governance to Align Jeffrey Simmons, CDO, and Nap Gary, COO of Regent Surgical Health, discussed strategies for building an effective partnership between a physician group and a hospital, as well as driving forces behind hospital/physician joint ventures. Mr. Simmons and Mr. Gary also discuss a case study involving Knightsbridge Surgery Center in Columbus, Ohio.

Anatomy of an ASC Transaction: What to Expect When Selling an Interest in Your ASC or Endo CenterMerritt Healthcare principles Matt Searles, MBA, and Rich Searles discussed ASC transactions, including key recommendations and an overview of industry trends and where they could be headed in the future.

Are Your Cost Estimates Leading to the Wrong Decision?Three executives from Objective Health — Tim Darling, director of product development; Ben Reigle, knowledge expert; and Sapan Anand, product manager — explained how cost-to-charge ratios could be flawed and how hospitals could make adjustments to improve their cost estimates.

Evaluating Your Anesthesia Services - What to Expect From Your Anesthesia TeamSyed Ishaq, vice president of client development for Somnia Anesthesia; David Perlstein, MD, MBA, medical director at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx (N.Y.); and Thomas Dean, chief administrative officer at San Juan Regional Medical Center in Farmington, N.M., discussed how to evaluate an anesthesia department's performance and the importance of doing so.

Tough Coding Issues Facing ASCsNational Medical Billing Services President Lisa Rock, Vice President of Coding Tamara Wagner and Manager of Coding Jessica Edmiston discussed challenges and offered expertise on how to overcome the tough coding issues ambulatory surgery centers face every day.

Top Performing ORs: What Executives Need to Know and DoLen Firestone, MD, medical director of perioperative services at Health Inventures, discussed several key elements of top operating room performers, including governance, management and core processes.

Gain and Sustain High Performance Through Employee EngagementQuint Studer, founder and CEO of Studer group, shared the best practices and insights for hospital executives to maintain or improve employee engagement during cultural transformations.

Proven Methods for Accelerating Cost ReductionRichard Peters, senior director of surgery services for Provista, discussed strategies to reduce supply costs as well as the benefits of standardizing supplies, joining a GPO, investing in a supply chain management system and signing up for a commitment program. Mr. Peters also offered an overview of common mistakes in the ASC supply chain process.

ASC Turnaround Tactics for 2012 and Beyond: New Best Practices to Increase Revenues and Beat the CompetitionJeffrey Simmons, Nap Gary and Anastasios Pantelidis of Regent Surgical Health discussed strategies for partnering with hospitals and negotiating managed care contracts to increase ASC profitability, namely the pros and cons of hospital partnership, hospital partnership models and strategies for successful payor contracting.

What's Your Specialty? Hospital Service Line Strategies for Remaining Competitive in the Changing Healthcare EnvironmentIn a webinar on March 28, 2012, Asit Gosar, client services executive with Objective Health, and Connie Cibrone, director of client service at with Objective Health and former president and CEO of Allegheny General Hospital, shared how hospitals can best develop a service line strategy to remain competitive.

Enhancing Revenue for ASCs - Best Practices and Great IdeasLinda Peterson, MBA, CEO of Executive Solutions, discusses how various surgery centers are finding ways to increase revenue and profitability despite declining reimbursement and new government regulations.

Anesthesia Contract Costs Have You Sweating? Stay Cool With a New FOCUS on Anesthesia Employment

Howard Greenfield, MD, and Robert Stiefel, MD, principals of anesthesia and perioperative consulting firm Enhance Healthcare, discussed the benefits and challenges of a co-managed anesthesia model as an alternative to outsourcing anesthesia services. They also describe an approach that outlines five key factors affecting the success of operating room performance and how anesthesia plays a significant role.

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Health Care Finance 2012- A Look at Trends, Terms and Provider Sectors

A panel of experts, including Claudia Gourdon, senior vice president and national marketing manager of Healthcare Finance Group; Shane Passarelli, senior vice president of Healthcare Finance Group; Gary Samson, JD, partner at McGuireWoods; and Don Ensing, JD, partner at McGuireWoods, discuss key trends in healthcare financing for 2012.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

ASCs - Key Strategic and Business Issues for 2012

Jeff Peo, Donna Greene and Jimbo Cross, all vice presidents of acquisitions and development at ASCOA, discuss five key factors in strengthening an ASC’s profitability and internal growth in 2012.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

How the Anesthesia Care Team Model Can Contribute to Clinical Quality Excellence in Your OR

Robert Farrar, MD, JD, FCLM, vice president of medical affairs for Somnia Anesthesia; Brent Sommer, a CRNA at Desert Regional Medical Center in Palm Springs, Calif.; and Frank Schramm, MD, chief of anesthesiology at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett, Wash., shared how hospitals can develop an anesthesia care team model that contributes to clinical quality and excellence in the operating room.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

4 Steps to Improved Supplier Contracting, Negotiations and Costs at Your ASC

More information coming soon!

Driving Perioperative Performance to Improve Bottom Line

Jeff Peters, MBA, president and CEO of Surgical Directions, and David Young, MD, managing partner of the company and medical director of pre-surgical testing at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Chicago, discussed perioperative performance in a recent webinar presented by Becker's Hospital Review. The webinar aksi included a case study of an organization that improved its efficiency in the operating room.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

Centralized Patient Access Improves Patient/Physician Satisfaction and Financial Results

Stephanie Barnett, director of consulting services at Health Blueprints, an NCO Group company, and Barb Shields, manager of patient access/centralized scheduling/central billing office at St. Francis Health Center in Topeka, Kan., discussed centralization of patient access services in a recent webinar presented by Becker's Hospital Review.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

Will My ACO be Successful? Ensuring Profitable ACO Reimbursement Through Contract Value Analysis, Alternate Funding Methods

Mark Bodnar, CEO and founder of Global Care Delivery, Kevin Fickenscher, MD, president and founder of CREO Strategic Solutions, and Steve Rasnick, president of Accountable Care Administration, shared how hospitals and other healthcare providers can salvage money in their revenue cycles and, more specifically, what that means for funding an accountable care organization.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

Optimizing Performance in the Face of Reform: Strategies for 2012

Asit Gosar with Objective Health, a specialized group within McKinsey & Company, discussed strategies for hospitals to identify cost savings and improve their margins. The strategies touched on several key areas: supply expenses, labor productivity, physician variation and service line growth. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

Funding Accountable Care Initiatives, Innovation and Transformation: The Global Care Model for Revenue Cycle Management

Kevin Fickenscher, MD, CEO and Founder of Global Care Delivery Mark Bodnar and President and Founder of Healthcare Success Organization Rick Hogan recently discussed how hospitals can tackle local, national and global healthcare social issues while also providing more effective and cost-efficient healthcare.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

Hospital/Physician Affiliation Trends

VMG Health's Jim Rolfe, managing director of transaction services, and Jen Johnson, CFA, partner, discussed four different hospital-physician affiliation trends. They also shared several general best practices for these different arrangements.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

Electronic Health Records: Understanding the Opportunities for your ASC

Todd Logan, MBA, regional vice president of sales, SourceMedical; Kathy Witham, RN, BSN, clinical co-director, The Surgery Center at Pellham in Greer, S.C.; and Bill Hazen, administrator, RN, CHT, The Surgery Center at Pellham, discussed the benefits achieved after implementing electronic health records. The Surgery Center at Pellham leaders also discussed a number of key considerations for ASCs considering installation of EHRs.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation click here.


Becker's Hospital Review - Health System CEO Webinar - the State of the Industry; Clear Strategies for 2012

Five health system CEOs from across the country shared their priorities, strategies and advice as the healthcare industry heads into 2012. Steven L. Goldstein, president and CEO of Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, N.Y.; Stephen L. Mansfield, CEO of Methodist Health System in Dallas; Joseph A. Quagliata, president and CEO of South Nassau Communities Hospital in Oceanside, N.Y.; Thomas J. Sadvary, president and CEO of Scottsdale (Ariz.) Healthcare; and Michael O. Ugwueke, CEO of Methodist Healthcare North and South Hospitals in Memphis, participated in the webinar. The panel was moderated by Chuck Lauer, former publisher of Modern Healthcare, and Scott Becker, JD, CPA, partner with McGuireWoods and publisher of Becker's Hospital Review.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Supply Chain Excellence

Jim Webb, senior vice president of operations at Provista, a leading GPO, discussed how ambulatory surgery centers can save money and gain a competitive advantage by focusing on their supply chains. Mr. Webb focused on the importance of tracking supply chain metrics and making the most of a GPO relationship.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

HITECH and the EHR Incentive Program: How HITECH Regulations May Impact the Use of Health Information Technology in ASCs

A recent webinar led by Robert Hussey, head of the government relations practice at Minneapolis-based Snow Communications, discussed how "meaningful use" requirements apply to ambulatory surgery centers and the physicians that use them. Mr. Hussey's discussion also included an overview of the HITECH program.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

Critical Guidance for Hospital Integration of Independent Physicians

Chuck Peck, MD, FACP, president and CEO of Health Inventures, and Marshall Maran, senior vice president of Health Inventures, discuss three methods for successful hospital integration of independent physicians outside of the popular employment model and key elements of a successful integration that applies to any alignment model.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

Patient Experience: Measurable Strategies to Improve Efficiency, HCAHPS and Reimbursements

Rob Gould, CEO of Banner Estrella Medical Center in Phoenix, Gary Foster, associate administrator at Banner Estrella, and Devin Gross, CEO of Emmi Solutions, share data-driven and evidence-based strategies for improving patients' experiences as well as HCAHPS scores.

For an e-mail with a recording of the webinar (in wmv format) and a copy of the presentation (in pdf format), please visit the bottom of this page.

Medicare Zero: An Analysis of Medicare's Hospital IPPS and Ways to Improve Medicare Margins

A recent webinar, led by Ken Perez, director of healthcare policy and senior vice president of marketing at MedeAnalytics, discusses the history and significance of Medicare, the reductions to the inpatient prospective payment system for fiscal year 2012 and six strategies hospitals can adopt to offset those reductions.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

ASCs - the State of the Industry; Consolidation vs. Independent; How to Work With Service Providers; ACOs and Healthcare Reform

A recent webinar sponsored by GE Healthcare discussed the consolidation trend in the ASC industry and the impact of accountable care organizations, healthcare reform and ongoing efforts to cut the federal budget on ambulatory surgery centers. Presenters were Brian Mathis, vice president of strategy at Surgical Care Affiliates; Orrin Marcella, manager of government relations, and Julie Dietz, national manager for surgery centers, at GE; and Scott Becker, publisher of Becker's ASC Review and a partner at McGuireWoods in Chicago.

To download a webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

Future of Hospital/Physician ASC Joint Ventures

Jeffrey Simmons, chief development officer, and Michael McKevitt, SVP of business development, both of Regent Surgical Health, discussed current trends impacting hospital/physician surgery center joint ventures and highlighted prevailing partnership models. They also presented their recommended model, which allows the hospital to control the majority interest and influence reimbursement rates, while giving physicians 49 percent interest and clinical and operational control of the facility.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download the PDF version of the presentation, click here.

Guaranteed Resource Use New Savings and New Revenues

Richard Kunnes, MD, managing principal and CEO of The Sevenex Group, described how hospitals can achieve significant savings and new revenues by advanced managing of resource use. Resource use management is a way hospitals can grow their operating margin without laying off employees.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download a PDF version of the presentation, click here.

 Valuation Issues Impacting ASCs

A recent webinar held by HealthCare Appraisers covered valuation issues impacting ambulatory surgery centers. The presenters — Todd J. Mello, ASA, AVA, MBA, and Jason L. Ruchaber, CFA, ASA, partners in HealthCare Appraisers — discussed fair market value, valuation approaches, valuation challenges and more.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download a PDF version of the presentation, click here.


EHR in the ASC: Meaningful Use

Patrick Doyle, vice president of sales, Jessica McBrayer, RN, business analyst, and Ron Pelletier, vice president of market strategy, all of SourceMedical, discussed how the upcoming meaningful use requirements apply to and will impact ambulatory surgery centers. The webinar was held to address the goals of meaningful use and clarify questions from attendees about the regulations and their impact.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To download a PDF version of the presentation, click here.

Maximizing Reimbursement for ASCs

Caryl Serbin of SourceMedical Revenue Cycle Solutions discussed how surgery centers can improve revenue cycle processes to achieve appropriate reimbursement. She also explained each step of the revenue cycle process, outlined the most common challenges facing surgery centers and shared tips for accurate, timely claims submission and payment collection.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

Maximizing OR Efficiency: Why Most OR's Are Set Up for Failure & What to Do About It

Timothy Dowd, MD, manager partner and CEO of North American Partners in Anesthesia, and Richard Becker, MD, president and CEO of The Brooklyn Hospital Center, recently presented a webinar titled "Maximizing OR Efficiency: Why Most ORs Are Set Up for Failure and What to Do About It." Dr. Dowd and Dr. Becker discussed partnerships between hospitals and anesthesiologists, and how this relationship can increase the efficiency of the OR.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To view a PDF version of the presentation, click here.

EHR in the ASC: How to Drive Cost Savings with Point-of-Care Charting

The presenters, Todd Logan, MBA, regional vice president of sales at SourceMedical's Surgery Division, and Bill Hazen, RN, CHT, administrator at the Surgery Center at Pelham in Greer, S.C., recently presented a free webinar titled "EHR in the ASC: How to Drive Cost Savings with Point-of-Care Charting." The presenters explained how using electronic health records to capture cost data at the point-of-care can help ambulatory surgery centers save money by providing accurate information on use of resources and by educating nurses and physicians.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To view a PDF version of the presentation, click here.

Impact of Regional Anesthesia on Quality, Cost and Patient Satisfaction: Minor Changes, Immediate Impact

Hugh Morgan, director of quality assurance for Somnia Anesthesia, and John LaFratta, corporate training specialist, pain management, for B. Braun, recently presented a free webinar titled "Impact of Regional Anesthesia on Quality, Cost and Patient Satisfaction: Minor Changes, Immediate Impact." In this presentation, the experts discussed the keys to success in anesthesia compliance and quality, the process of building a quality regional anesthesia program and the effect of a medical device supplier on quality, cost and patient satisfaction.

To download the webinar presentation, click here.

To listen to an audio version of the webinar, click here.

Impact of Physician-Hospital Alignment on CV Service Line and Practice Performance

P. Anthony Long, senior vice president of Paragon Health; James M. Palazzo, president of Paragon Health; and Suzette Jaskie, executive director of Frederick Meijer Heart and Vascular Institute and CEO of West Michigan Heart, recently presented a free webinar titled "Impact of Physician-Hospital Alignment on CV Service Line and Practice Performance." In this presentation, the experts discussed best practices, tips and case studies relating to the alignment of hospitals and cardiovascular service lines.

To download the webinar presentation, visit here.

10 Critical Requirements of a Successful Infection Prevention Program

Dotty Bollinger, chief medical operations officer at Laser Spine Institute in Tampa, Fla., recently presented a free webinar titled "10 Critical Requirements of a Successful Infection Prevention Program." In this presentation, Ms. Bollinger recommended ASCs take several steps to develop an effective infection prevention program to meet current and future requirements. Ms. Bollinger also discusses the importance of sterilization, proper hand hygiene and safe injection practices.

To download the webinar presentation, visit here.

Keys to Transforming Surgery Centers Into a Profitable Business

GENASCIS, a provider of billing, revenue cycle management services and supporting technologies for ambulatory surgery centers, recently presented a free webinar titled, "Keys to Transforming Surgery Centers Into a Profitable Business." The speakers were Jim Freund, senior vice president of business development, Ken Bulow, COO, and Matt Searles, managing partner of Merritt Healthcare. In this presentation, speakers discussed common challenges and roadblocks affecting ASCs, steps to understanding the overall state of ASC business, direct steps and key solutions to overcoming mistakes and challenges and practices and essential tools to drive financial performance.

To download the webinar presentation, visit here.


Top Challenges and Opportunities for Spine in 2011

Nicola V. Hawkinson, DNP, RN, of SpineSearch recently presented a free webinar entitled "Top Challenges and Opportunities for Spine in 2011." During the presentation, Ms. Hawkinson highlighted how healthcare reform will impact spine surgeons in hospitals and surgery centers. The webinar also discussed the key issues associated with managing spine surgery.

To download the webinar presentation, visit here.

What New Trends in Anesthesia Quality Will Mean to Your Bottom Line

Hugh Morgan, quality assurance officer, Somnia Anesthesia Services, recently presented a free webinar entitled, "What New Trends in Anesthesia Quality Will Mean to Your Bottom Line." In this presentation, Mr. Morgan goes over key factors that affect anesthesia quality. He also discusses how to determine value and quality of an ASC's anesthesia services and reviews incentives for providing excellent anesthetic care.

To download the webinar presentation, visit here.

How Physicians Can Adopt Electronic Health Records Without Losing Productivity

William Edwards Jr., MD, of the Surgical Clinic in Nashville, Tenn., and Alex Poston, president of Entrada, a clinical documentation and data management solutions company, recently presented a free webinar titled "How Physicians Can Adopt Electronic Health Records Without Losing Productivity." In the webinar, Dr. Edwards and Mr. Poston discussed why the issue is a particularly relevant topic in the healthcare industry today and highlighted key thoughts and reflections on how to adopt electronic health records without losing physician productivity.

Download the webinar presentation by clicking here (pdf).

View the webinar by clicking here (wmv). 

7 Secrets of Sustainable Savings Through Standardized Clinical Engineering

Joe Skochdopole, executive director of clinical engineering services for TriMedx, and Mikal Hensley, interim chief resource officer and vice president of operations for resource and supply management, North Florida/Gulf Cost region, for Ascension Health, recently presented a free webinar titled "7 Secrets of Sustainable Savings Through Standardized Clinical Engineering." In the webinar, Mr. Skochdopole and Mr. Hensley discussed how hospitals can create long-term savings by reducing reliance on service contracts, controlling relationships with vendors and keeping equipment properly maintained throughout its life cycle. They recommended developing or recruiting technical expertise to ensure equipment stays in top condition.

Download the Webinar presentation by clicking here (pdf).

View the Webinar by clicking here (wmv). 

Destination Orthopedic Centers: Healthcare Model for the Future

Marshall Steele, MD, CEO of Marshall Steele and Matt Reigle, vice president of business development, recently presented a free webinar titled "Destination Orthopedic Centers: Healthcare Model for the Future." In the webinar, Dr. Steele discussed the long-term negative impact of a bad hospital experience: poor reputation spread by word of mouth, out-migration occurs, surgeons and hospitals lose cases, surgeons blame poor marketing efforts and competition for the loss while hospitals blame poor surgeon bedside manner.

Download the webinar presentation by clicking here.

View the webinar here (wmv).

Keeping Your Surgeons Satisfied — The Role of Anesthesia Management in Meeting Their Demands and Optimizing the OR

Somnia Anesthesia Services recently presented a free webinar entitled "Keeping Your Surgeons Satisfied — The Role of Anesthesia Management in Meeting Their Demands and Optimizing the OR."

Download the Webinar presentation by clicking here.

View the Webinar by clicking here (wmv). 

How to Recruit Top Talent and Impact Players in ASCs

On May 5, ASC Communications hosted a webinar featuring Greg Zoch, partner with Kaye/Bassman International Corp., discussing ways ASCs can recruit top talent and impact players.

Download the Webinar presentation by clicking here.

View the Webinar by clicking here (wmv). 

Key Thoughts on Strategic Planning for ASCs and Hospitals

On May 3, 2010, a panel of speakers shared their thoughts on strategic planning for hospitals and ASCs in a free webinar hosted by ASC Communications and moderated by Scott Becker, JD, partner at McGuireWoods and publisher of Becker's Hospital Review and Becker's ASC Review.

Download the Webinar presentation here (pdf). You will find a "Certificate of Participation" at the end.

View the Webinar here (wmv).

Improving OR and Anesthesia Efficiency in Hospitals

On March 30, 2010, Somnia Anesthesia Services hosted a Webinar titled, "Improving Operating Room and Anesthesia Efficiency in Your Hospital." Speakers Debra Shumelda, director perioperative services of St. Mary's Hospital in Troy, N.Y., and Robert Goldstein, MD, executive vice president and chief medical officer of Somnia Anesthesia Services, discussed how anesthesia efficiency can affect OR efficiencies and a hospital's revenues.

To download the webinar presentation, visit here

Meeting Today's Reimbursement Challenges: A Case Study for Success

On March 12, 2010, ASC Communications and Serbin Surgery Center Billing hosted "Meeting Today's Reimbursement Challenges: A Case Study for Success," featuring Caryl Serbin of Serbin Surgery Center Billing and Becky Zigler-Otis of the ASC of Stevens Point (Wis.).

Download the Webinar presentation by clicking here. You will find a "Certificate of Participation" at the end.

View the Webinar by clicking here (wmv).

Hospital-Doctor Joint Ventures: A Highly Efficient Physician-Engagement Tool

On Feb. 11, 2010, ASC Communications and Medical Surgical Partners hosted "Hospital-Doctor Joint Ventures: A Highly Efficient Physician-Engagement Tool," featuring David Thoene, managing member of Medical Surgical Partners.

Download the Webinar presentation by clicking here. You will find a "Certificate of Participation" at the end.

View the Webinar by clicking here (wmv).

Ambulatory Surgery Centers — 2 Key Topics: 1. Medical Malpractice Industry Trends and 2. Key ASC Business and Legal Trends

On Dec. 9, ASC Communications hosted Ambulatory Surgery Centers — 2 Key Topics: 1. Medical Malpractice Industry Trends and 2. Key ASC Business and Legal Trends, featuring Bruce Whitmore of Medical Protective and Scott Becker, JD, CPA.

Trends in Strategies and Valuation of Physician/Hospital Relationships

On Nov. 19, ASC Communications hosted Trends in Strategies and Valuation of Physician/Hospital Relationships, presented by VMG Health. To download the presentation, click here (pdf).

View the Webinar here (wmv). 

CMS Freestanding Ambulatory Surgery Conditions for Coverage

On Sept. 23 and Oct. 12, Amerinet sponsored a two-part audioconference series, CMS Freestanding Ambulatory Surgery Conditions for Coverage.

Healthcare Reform: An Overview of Key Concepts

On July 17, 2009, ASC Communications hosted Healthcare Reform: An Overview of Key Concepts, presented by Scott Becker, JD, CPA (for more information on the presentation, click here).

Case Study: Improving ASC Billing and Collections

On May 20, 2009, ASC Communications hosted Case Study: Improving ASC Billing and Collections featuring Caryl Serbin, president and founder of Surgery Consultants of America and Serbin Surgery Center Billing and an expert on ASC reimbursement and billing (for the PowerPoint presentation associated with the presentation, click here).

If you missed this program, you can still purchase a CD of the entire show. To do so, click here to order through our online system by clicking here or please contact Jessica Cole at (312) 505-9387 or by e-mail at for assistance.

Turning Around an Ambulatory Surgery Center

On Feb. 19., McGuireWoods hosted Turning Around an Ambulatory Surgery Center, featuring Dr. Brent Lambert of Ambulatory Surgery Centers of America (for more information about this program, click here).

Case Costing and Advanced Benchmarking for Ambulatory Surgery Centers

On Wednesday, August 6, ASC Communications hosted Case Costing and Advanced Benchmarking for Ambulatory Surgery Centers (for more information about this program, click here ).

If you missed this program, you can still purchase a CD of the entire show. To do so, click here to order through our online system by clicking here or please contact Jessica Cole at (312) 505-9387 or by e-mail at for assistance.


Ambulatory Surgery Center Transactions: Successful Strategies for Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures and Restructuring

On Thursday, July 24, 2008, ASC Communications hosted Ambulatory Surgery Center Transactions: Successful Strategies for Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures and Restructuring (for more information about this show, click here).

If you missed this program, you can still purchase a CD of the entire show. To do so, click here to order through our online system by clicking here or please contact Jessica Cole at (312) 505-9387 or by e-mail at for assistance.


Orthopedic Coding in ASCs

On Wednesday, June 11, 2008, ASC Communications hosted Orthopedic Coding in ASCs — An Audio Conference (for more information about this show, click here).

If you missed this program, you can still purchase a CD of the entire show. To do so, click here to order through our online system by clicking here or please contact Jessica Cole at (312) 505-9387 or by e-mail at for assistance.

This presentation includes almost 70 pages' worth of tips, guidance, definitions and analysis. For a preview of 10 of these pages, download a PDF here.


Managed Care Contracting for ASCs

On Thursday, May 8, 2008, ASC Communications hosted Managed Care Contracting for ASCs: Current Trends, Challenges and Tactics to Obtain Great Results — An Audio Conference (for more information about this show, click here).

If you missed this program, you can still purchase a CD of the entire show. To do so, click here to order through our online system by clicking here or please contact Jessica Cole at (312) 505-9387 or by e-mail at for assistance.

If you missed this program, you can still purchase a CD of the entire show. Please contact Jessica Cole at (312) 505-9387 or e-mail for more information.

Handling Complex Orthopedic and Spine Procedures in an ASC

On Wednesday, March 19, 2008, ASC Communications hosted Handling Complex Orthopedic and Spine Procedures in an ASC — An Audio Conference (for more information about this show, click here).

If you missed this program, you can now purchase a CD of the show. Please contact Jessica Cole at (312) 505-9387 or e-mail for more information.

Want to preview the show before purchasing? Download a sample of the conference slides by clicking here and you can download and listen to these audio clips from the show:

  • Introduction of speakers and opening comments (click here)
  • Advantages of sending patients home with regional pain catheters (click here)
  • How to determine when a new orthopedic spine surgeon is ready to transition cases to an ASC (click here)

Note: Files are in MP3 format. To download the files, click on a link with your right mouse button (or hold the mouse button down if you are using a Mac), and select Save to Disk or Save Target As.

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