California employs 870 more surgeons than Texas, according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics data available.
States with the highest surgeon employment:
1. California
Employment: 4,240
Employment per thousand jobs: 0.25
Hourly mean wage: $110.26
Annual mean wage: $229,340
2. Texas
Employment: 3,370
Employment per thousand jobs: 0.28
Hourly mean wage: $107.52
Annual mean wage: $223,640
3. Ohio
Employment: 2,620
Employment per thousand jobs: 0.49
Hourly mean wage: $120.34
Annual mean wage: $250,300
4. Massachusetts
Employment: 2,120
Employment per thousand jobs: 0.60
Hourly mean wage: $109.02
Annual mean wage: $226,760
5. New York
Employment: 1,740
Employment per thousand jobs: 0.19
Hourly mean wage: $115.24
Annual mean wage: $239,690
Note: Estimates don't equal total employment numbers because certain sectors and self-employed workers are excluded. BLS calculated annual wages by multiplying the hourly mean wage by a "year-round, full-time" hours figure of 2,080 hours. For select occupations, the annual wage was calculated based on reported survey data.