ChatGPT can accurately recommend patient colonoscopy intervals: Study

ChatGPT may be able to outperform gastroenterologists when it comes to determining rescreening and surveillance colonoscopy intervals for patients, according to a new study published in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

Researchers analyzed 505 patients, 38 of whom had a family history of colon cancer, undergoing a colonoscopy in the U.S. between Jan. 1 and April 30, 2023. 

ChatGPT4 successfully generated follow-up recommendations in 99.2% of patients, with only four deferred to a gastroenterologist, according to a June 18 Medscape report. 

Researchers compared the accuracy, concordance and reliability of the colonoscopy rescreening and surveillance intervals recommendations provided by ChatGPT4 with reference standards from the U.S. Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer guidelines. 

ChatGPT recommendations were in line with the recommendations of the USMSTF panel in 85.7% of cases, whereas real-time recommendations of gastroenterologists were consistent with the recommendations of the panel in 75.4% of cases. 

ChatGPT did incorrectly advise delayed surveillance in 26 patients, according to the study. 

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