From 2007 to 2016, claim lines with ASC usage increased more in rural areas than urban areas or nationally, according to Fair Health.
Fair Health analyzed claim line trends in five service settings, including ASCs, using a national database of billions of privately insured healthcare claims.
Here are five findings.
1. In 2007, rural and urban settings both made up nearly 7 percent of claim lines.
2. Rural settings accounted for 8 percent of claim lines in 2008, surpassing the urban percent of claim lines by almost 1 percent.
3. The percent of claim lines hovered around 10 percent for both rural and urban settings in 2012 and 2013.
4. Rural settings comprised a higher percentage of claim lines than urban settings in 2015 and 2016.
5. From 2007 to 2016, claim lines for ASCs increased 127 percent in rural areas, compared to 95 percent in urban areas.