ASC staff can improve quality by implementing initiatives or through easy-to-use tools.
Quality improvement resources to know:
1. The Joint Commission's Speak Up to Prevent Infection campaign
The Joint Commission launched its Speak Up to Prevent Infection campaign, making a collection of downloadable infection control resources available for healthcare providers and the general public.
2. The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care's annual quality roadmap report.
Each year, the AAAHC releases a report detailing areas of high- and low-compliance for ASCs, Medicare deemed status ASCs, office-based surgery facilities and primary care settings. The report helps centers identify areas for safety improvement. Past reports are available for free download.
3. The Leapfrog Group's ASC survey
Opening April 7, Leapfrog's voluntary survey will allow any ASC to provide quality information. Benchmarking reports will be available to participants beginning in fall 2019.