CMS' Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting Program requires ASCs to report on specific quality and performance data. Under ASC-7, surgery centers report facility volume data for selected procedures.
Here is the average musculoskeletal surgery volume per facility for 2015 ranked. All patients are included in the numbers, not just Medicare patients. The musculoskeletal procedures recorded for ASC-7 include:
• Joint tendon and trigger point injections
• Bone implant removal
• Forearm and wrist surgery
• Hand and finger surgery
• Foot and toe surgery
• Shoulder endoscopy
• Wrist endoscopy
• Knee endoscopy
Among states with ASCs that perform musculoskeletal procedures, Washington, D.C. reported the least at 109 procedures per facility while Rhode Island recorded the most at 1,686 procedures per facility. The states are arranged here from lowest to highest average volume per facility for musculoskeletal surgeries.
1. Vermont: 0
2. Washington, D.C.: 109
3. West Virginia: 343
4. Wyoming: 402
5. South Dakota: 446
6. Kentucky: 461
7. Hawaii: 470
8. Louisiana: 508
9. North Dakota: 535
10. New Jersey: 557
11. Alaska: 611
12. Texas: 621
13. South Carolina: 630
14. Idaho: 648
15. Utah: 653
16. Kansas: 674
17. Massachusetts: 679
18. California: 688
19. Oregon: 698
20. Wisconsin: 700
21. Arizona: 715
22. Arkansas: 724
23. Oklahoma: 731
24. Nebraska: 736
25. Indiana: 750
26. Mississippi: 753
27. Missouri: 783
28. Illinois: 798
29. Delaware: 814
30. Maryland: 820
31. Pennsylvania: 822
32. Florida: 829
33. Colorado: 867
34. Montana: 882
35. Maine: 902
36. New Hampshire: 936
37. Ohio: 961
38. Georgia: 999
39. Michigan: 1,012
40. Washington: 1,048
41. Tennessee: 1,061
42. Nevada: 1,071
43. Minnesota: 1,145
44. Iowa: 1,150
45. Virginia: 1,182
46. New Mexico: 1,293
47. North Carolina: 1,319
48. Alabama: 1,344
49. New York: 1,375
50. Connecticut: 1,460
51. Rhode Island: 1,686