ICF International, a consulting services and technology solutions provider, appointed Randy Rutledge, PhD, as its vice president and line of business leader for the public health systems team in Atlanta.
Here are five notes:
1. Dr. Rutledge has a doctorate in conflict analysis and resolutions.
2. Equipped with more than 20 years of commercial and government experience, Dr. Rutledge previously worked as an IT senior project manager at the Department of Health and Human Services, CDC.
3. She has expertise in health informatics and technology solutions that allows stakeholders to access information for public health strategy, investment, policy and program decisions.
4. Dr. Rutledge received a bachelor's degree in organizational leadership from Mercer University in Atlanta, and an MBA with a focus on information systems from New York Institute of Technology. She received her doctorate in conflict analysis and resolution from Nova Southeastern University in Miami.
5. She is also an adjunct faculty member at Mercer University.
"Dr. Rutledge is passionate about developing solutions that achieve results for clients and their organizations," said Ellen Glover, executive vice president and general manager of IFC International.
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