50+ stats on anesthesiologist pay 

Here are more than 50 statistics on anesthesiologist pay, pulled from Medscape's most recent "Anesthesiologist Compensation Report":

1. Anesthesiologists make an average of $448,000 in total compensation annually.

2. The average incentive bonus for anesthesiologists is $68,000.

3. Male anesthesiologists on average earn $40,000 more than female anesthesiologists.

4. Most anesthesiologists (65%) do not take on additional work to supplement their income. 

5. Anesthesiologists are the ninth highest-paid specialty. 

6. Thirty-seven percent of anesthesiologists said their income decline was from the COVID-19 pandemic and 72% said it was other factors unrelated to the pandemic. 

7. Here is how anesthesiologists said competition affects their income:

  • Nonphysician practitioners: 32%
  • Physicians or insurers doing telemedicine: 2%
  • "Minute clinics" and big box stores: 2%
  • Other: 5%
  • My income has not been affected by competition from the sources listed: 64%

8. Here is how surveyed anesthesiologists answered when asked if they take extra work to supplement their income:

  • Yes, medical moonlighting: 13%
  • Yes, other medical-related work: 12%
  • Yes, added more hours to my primary job as a physician: 12%
  • Yes, other nonmedical-related work: 6%
  • None: 65%

9. Seventy-five percent of anesthesiologists would choose medicine again. 

10. Eighty-seven percent of anesthesiologists would choose the same specialty. 

11. The average salary among anesthesiologists increased 33% in the last decade.

12. How many hours a week anesthesiologists spend seeing patients:

  • Less than 30: 8%
  • Between 30 and 40: 35%
  • Between 41 and 50: 28%
  • Between 51 and 60: 21%
  • More than 60: 8%

13. How anesthesiologists answered when wasked if they were dropping Medicare and Medicaid patients:

  • I will continue taking new and current Medicare/Medicaid patients: 69%
  • I won't take new Medicare patients: 9%
  • I won't take new Medicaid patients: 6%
  • I have not yet decided: 22%

14. Will anesthesiologists drop the insurers that pay the least?

  • Yes: 16%
  • No, I need all payers: 30%
  • No, it's inappropriate: 18%
  • No, for other reasons: 36%

15. Anesthesiologist participation in payment models:

  • Fee-for-service: 46%
  • Bundled payments: 14%
  • Value-based payment models: 11%
  • Episode of care payments: 8%
  • Capitation model: 2%
  • Concierge practice: Less than 1%
  • Other: 18%

16. Here is how the average annual salary of anesthesiologists has evolved over the last 10 years, along with the percentage change from year to year:

  • 2023: $448,000 (+10.6%)
  • 2022: $405,000 (+7.1%)
  • 2021: $378,000 (-5.0%)
  • 2020: $398,000 (+1.5%)
  • 2019: $392,000 (+1.6%)
  • 2018: $386,000 (+6.0%)
  • 2017: $364,000 (+1.1%)
  • 2016: $360,000 (+0.6%)
  • 2015: $358,000 (+5.9%)
  • 2014: $338,000 (+0.3%)
  • 2013: $337,000 (+9.1%)

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