Here are some interesting statistics on the salaries and hourly wages of staff members at ASCs from VMG Health’s 2009 Intellimarker.
ASC administrators
1. The average ASC administrator earns $98,940 annually, up about 2.9 percent from last year’s average of $96,071, as reported in VMG Health’s 2008 Intellimarker. The median is $101,348.
2. Here is the average ASC administrator annual salary by region of the country:
- West — $107,219
- Southeast — $106,299
- Northeast — $100,942
- Southwest — $100,000
- Midwest — $89,000
3. Here is the average ASC administrator annual salary by the number of operating rooms in a surgery center:
- 1-2 ORs — $92,976
- 3-4 ORs — $103,054
- More than 4 ORs — $101,171
4. Here is the average ASC administrator annual salary by the number of cases a surgery center performs in a year:
- Less than 3,000 — $95,306
- 3,000-5,999 — $99,436
- More than 5,999 — $103,126
5. Here is the average ASC administrator annual salary by the total net revenue of a surgery center:
- Less than $4.5 million — $100,000
- $4.5-$7.0 million — $100,877
- More than $7.0 million — $104,084
6. For ASCs that perform more than 50 percent of their cases in orthopedics, the average annual administrator salary was $98,386, with a median of $104,998.
Nursing staff
7. The average hourly wage for ASC nursing staff was $31.42, up from last year’s average of $29.33. The median was $30.79.
8. Here is the average hourly wage for ASC nursing staff by region:
- West — $34.53
- Northeast — $32.01
- Southwest — $30.57
- Southeast — $29.07
- Midwest — $27.36
9. Here is the average hourly wage for ASC nursing staff by the number of operating rooms a surgery center has:
- 1-2 ORs — $31.49
- 3-4 ORs — $30.35
- More than 4 ORs — $31.11
10. Here is the average hourly wage for ASC nursing staff by the number of cases a surgery center performs in a year:
- Less than 3,000 — $33.03
- 3,000-5,999 — $30.57
- More than 5,999 — $30.11
11. Here is the average hourly wage for ASC nursing staff by the total net revenue of a surgery center:
- Less than $4.5 million — $30.35
- $4.5-$7.0 million — $30.17
- More than $7.0 million — $30.89
12. For centers that perform more than 50 percent of their cases in orthopedics, the average hourly wage for ASC nursing staff was $30.88, with a median of $30.80.
Technical staff
13. The average hourly wage for ASC technical staff was $19.53, up from last year’s average of $18.28. The median was $19.09. 14. Here is the average hourly wage for ASC technical staff by region:
- Northeast — $21.81
- West — $21.22
- Southwest — $18.97
- Southeast — $18.67
- Midwest — $18.12
15. Here is the average hourly wage for ASC technical staff by the number of operating rooms a surgery center has:
- 1-2 ORs — $19.35
- 3-4 ORs — $19.48
- More than 4 ORs — $19.20
16. Here is the average hourly wage for ASC technical staff by the number of cases a surgery center performs in a year:
- Less than 3,000 — $20.95
- 3,000-5,999 — $18.87
- More than 5,999 — $18.90
17. Here is the average hourly wage for ASC technical staff by the total net revenue of a surgery center:
- Less than $4.5 million — $18.80
- $4.5-$7.0 million — $18.84
- More than $7.0 million — $19.35
18. For centers that perform more than 50 percent of their cases in orthopedics, the average hourly wage for ASC technical staff was $19.65, with a median of $19.06.
Administrative staff*
19. The aver.age hourly wage for an ASC’s administrative staff was $22.19, up from last year’s average of $19.42. The median was $21.65.
20. Here is the average hourly wage for ASC administrative staff by region:
- Northeast — $23.68
- West — $23.30
- Southeast — $23.15
- Midwest — $20.93
- Southwest — $20.57
21. Here is the average hourly wage for ASC administrative staff by the number of operating rooms a surgery center has:
- 1-2 ORs — $22.11
- 3-4 ORs — $22.32
- More than 4 ORs — $20.82
22. Here is the average hourly wage for ASC administrative staff by the number of cases a surgery center performs in a year:
- Less than 3,000 — $22.74
- 3,000-5,999 — $22.47
- More than 5,999 — $21.32
23. Here is the average hourly wage for ASC administrative staff by the total net revenue of a surgery center:
- Less than $4.5 million — $21.72
- $4.5-$7.0 million — $21.68
- More than $7.0 million — $21.06
24. For centers that perform more than 50 percent of their cases in orthopedics, the average hourly wage for ASC administrative staff was $20.91, with a median of $20.84.
* "Administrative staff " can include all employees other than nurse and tech FTEs. Depending on what the ASC outsources with respect to back office functions (billing/ collections, mgmt services, accounting, HR, etc.), this can include receptionists, administrators, insurance verifiers, schedulers, transcriptionists, coders, billing/collections staff, medical records staff and accounts payable staff.
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