The 2018 MGMA DataDive Better Performers found successful medical groups have three strategies in common, Healthcare Finance News reports.
MGMA evaluated 3,085 medical groups and identified 640 of those as top performers in operations, productivity, profitability and/or value.
The 640 practices deemed "Better Performers" all followed these three strategies:
1. Building patient-focused, engaging cultures. Better performers demonstrated strong communication between staff, providers and patients. For instance, they would conduct satisfaction surveys for those stakeholders and share the results.
2. Focusing on the long-term picture. Top performers prioritized long-term efforts by establishing clear goals. While managing daily operations, they continuously evaluated vision and strategies to achieve it. Successful practices invested in analytics to closely monitor performance.
3. Constantly striving to improve operations. Better performers invested time and effort in technology and made efforts to use existing tools to their full potential. These practices consider technology an asset to improve operations, communication, patient engagement, compliance and insights.