Kevin O’Connor, DO, who has been President Biden’s primary care physician since 2009, will replace Sean Conley, MD, in the role. Here are five things to know about Dr. O’Connor.
1. Dr. O’Connor spent 22 years in the Army and more than a decade at the White House. He previously served as physician to President Biden when he was vice president during the Obama administration.
2. When the Obama administration ended, Dr. O’Connor remained President Biden’s physician and also became the founding director of executive medicine at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
3. In 2015, he was named the family physician of the year by the Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians.
4. Dr. O’Connor earned his medical degree at the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine and completed his residency at Mountainside Hospital in Montclair, N.J. He also completed U.S. Army flight surgeon training and was designated a master flight surgeon in 2010.
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