A video posted by eye surgeon Blake Williamson, MD, was among the top 10 featured on ophthalmic surgical video platform Eyetube in 2018, according to Cataract and Refractive Surgery Today.
Here's what you should know:
1. Dr. Williamson practices at Williamson Eye Center in Baton Rouge, La. Williamson Eye Center has four locations, has an outpatient surgery center and employs 12 physicians, The Livingston Parish News reports.
2. The featured video involving Dr. Williamson is called "iStent Inject with FLACS and ORA Guided Toric IOL Implantation." It can be viewed here.
3. In the video, Dr. Williamson combines laser cataract surgery and intraoperative aberrometry-assisted toric IOL implantation with iStent inject implantation.