Juan Uson, RN, the administrator of the Alaska-based Surgery Center of Wasilla received Regent Surgical Health's R.I.S.E. Administrator of the Year award.
Here are the key details to know:
1. Mr. Uson was recognized based on excellence in surgery center profitability, satisfaction and growth.
2. Previously, Mr. Uson was the director of nursing at Regent's Mt. Dora (Fla.) ASC. He joined the team that helped open and establish the Surgery Center of Wasilla.
3. Mr. Uson applied the same principles he had developed in Mt. Dora in Wasilla to help the new center grow and be profitable. "It’s still growing and, in just a year, has become a smooth-running center operationally,” said David Moody, Regent's VP of operations. “Alaska is a very tough place to keep staff and patients coming back, as the environment can be quite harsh. It’s a difficult place to thrive.”