Gastroenterology has consistently been among the top 10 highest-earning specialties in the U.S.
Here are 16 key stats on gastroenterologist pay:
This data was gathered from Medscape's Physician Salary Explorer, Physician Debt and Net Worth Report 2020, and Physician Compensation Report 2022; Merritt Hawkins' Physician Revenue Calculator, Doximity's 2021 Physician Compensation Report and a report from job market research company Zippia.
1. Gastroenterology pay increased 3 percent from 2020 to 2021 — from $485,817 to $500,400.
2. Pediatric gastroenterology salaries hit $295,751 in 2021, a 5.4 percent increase from 2020.
3. Gastroenterology is the 10th highest-paid physician specialty.
4. The average incentive bonus for gastroenterologists is $60,000.
5. About half of gastroenterologists (55 percent) say they feel fairly compensated. Out of 29 specialties, gastroenterologists were ranked 21st among those in a specialty who felt fairly compensated.
6. New gastroenterologists earn higher salaries than some with more experience in four of the biggest U.S. cities — Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City and Dallas.
7. The percentage of gastroenterologists with a net worth over $5 million is 4 percent.
8. The percentage of gastroenterologists with a net worth under $500,000 is 1 percent.
9. The percent of gastroenterologists who are still paying off their student loans is 17 percent.
10. The percentage of gastroenterologists with homes larger than 5,000 square feet is 19. percent.
Gastroenterologist pay by years of experience:
11. One to seven years of practice:
Employed: $394,708
Self-employed: $465,972
12. Eight to 14 years of practice
Employed: $383,817
Self-employed: $457,852
13. Fifteen to 21 years of practice
Employed: $429,255
Self-employed: $510,247
14. Twenty-two to 28 years of practice
Employed: $440,199
Self-employed: $498,023
15. Twenty-nine to 35 years of practice
Employed: $450,678
Self-employed: $497,384
16. Thirty-six or more years
Employed: $391,108
Self-employed: $424,932