Medscape's 2019 gastroenterologist compensation report dives into the hours gastroenterologists spend seeing patients and the amount of time they spend on administrative tasks.
About 20,000 physicians were surveyed.
Four statistics:
1. Hours per week gastroenterologists spend seeing patients:
- Men: 44 hours
- Women: 42 hours
2. Hours per week gastroenterologists spend on paperwork and administration
- Less than five: 5 percent
- Five to nine: 17 percent
- 10 to 19: 47 percent
- 20 or more: 30 percent
3. Hours per week gastroenterologists spend on paperwork and administration
- Men : 14 hours
- Women: 18 hours
4. Percentage of gastroenterologists that use physician assistants and nurse practitioners
- PAs: 35 percent
- NPs: 48 percent
- Neither: 39 percent