19 female gastroenterologists leading GI fellowship programs

As of 2010, 87.1 percent of active gastroenterologists were male, according to AAMC 2012 Physician Specialty Data Book. Though the specialty is male-dominated, a number of female physicians hold leadership roles. For example, here 19 female gastroenterologists who lead GI fellowship programs across the country.


If you would like to recommend a gastroenterologist for this list, please contact Carrie Pallardy at cpallardy@beckershealthcare.com. 

Bincy P. Abraham, MD, MS, is the program director of the gastroenterology fellowship at Houston Methodist Hospital. Dr. Abraham is a past president of the Texas Gulf Coast Gastroenterology Society, as well as current chair of the southern regional chapter of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America Medical Advisory Committee. She was the director of the Baylor Clinic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center in Houston for five years.

Sangeeta Agrawal, MD, FASGE, FACG, AGAF, is the director of the gastroenterology fellowship program at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Agrawal also serves as an association professor and chief of the gastroenterology division at Wright State University School of Medicine. She also chairs the education committee of the Ohio Gastroenterology Society. Dr. Agrawal completed her residency and fellowship training at the University of Missouri in Columbia.

Asyia Ahmad, MD, is the an association professor in the gastroenterology and hepatology division and program director of the gastroenterology fellowship program at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia. Dr. Ahmad also serves as the course director for the National Forum on Women’s Issues in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. She completed her fellowship training at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Bhavana Balar, MD, is the chief of gastroenterology and fellowship program director at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center in New York. Dr. Balar has been with Bronx-Lebanon for more than 10 years. She completed her residency and fellowship at Bronx-Lebanon.

Marie Borum, MD, EdD, MPH, FACP, FACG, is a professor of medicine and director of the gastroenterology division at The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences in Washington, D.C. She serves as the director of the gastroenterology fellowship program and an associate professor of public health at The George Washington University School of Public Health & Health Services. Dr. Borum has published more than 100 abstracts, articles and chapters.

Kathy Bull-Henry, MD, is an associate professor of medicine and director of the GI fellowship program at MedStar Health in Washington, D.C. She is also a member of the American College of Gastroenterology’s training committee. Dr. Bull-Henry completed her GI fellowship at Howard University in Washington, D.C., as well as a fellowship in therapeutic endoscopy at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

Lin Chang, MD, FACG, is the director of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA GI Fellowship Training and Education Program. Dr. Chang is also the co-director of the Gail and Gerald Oppenheimer Family Center for Neurobiology of Stress and director of the UCLA Digestive Health and Wellness Center. Dr. Chang was the chair of the FDA GI Advisory Committee from 2005 to 2010.

Virginia C. Clark, MD, MS, is the program director of the gastroenterology fellowship and associate program director of the transplant hepatology fellowship at the University of Florida in Gainesville. She also serves as an assistant professor of medicine. Dr. Clark completed her GI fellowship and liver transplantation and hepatology fellowship at the University of Florida. She has a research interest in fatty liver disease and Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.

Joan A. Culpepper-Morgan, MD, is the program director of the gastroenterology fellowship program at Harlem Hospital Center in New York. Dr. Culpepper-Morgan is also an assistant professor of medicine at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York. She completed her fellowship training at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York.

Lisa M. Foreman, MD, MSCE, is an assistant professor of medicine and director of the gastroenterology fellowship program at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver. Dr. Foreman has research interests in NASH, hepatitis C, hepatic encephalopathy and liver transplantation. She completed fellowships in gastroenterology and clinical epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.  

Avlin B. Imaeda, MD, PhD, is an assistant professor of medicine and digestive diseases fellowship program director at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn. She has been the fellowship program director since 2012. Dr. Imaeda focuses on general gastroenterology, as well as small bowel disease and obscure GI bleeding. She completed her fellowship and PhD at Yale University.

Janice Jou, MD, MHS, has been the program director of the gastroenterology and hepatology fellowship program at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland since July 2014. Dr. Jou is also an assistant professor of medicine at the university. She completed fellowships in gastroenterology and transplant hepatology at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C.

Denise Kalmaz, MD, is the GI fellowship program director and an assistant clinical professor at the University of California at San Diego. Dr. Kalmaz joined the UC San Diego Health System staff in 2008. She also serves as the director of small bowel endoscopy. She focuses on general gastroenterology, interventional gastroenterology and the pancreas and bile ducts.

Tisha Lunsford, MD, is the program director of the gastroenterology fellowship, a staff gastroenterologist and clinical assistant professor of medicine at UT Health Sciences Center in San Antonio. Previously, Dr. Lunsford was an assistant professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Scottsdale, Ariz. She completed her GI fellowship training at the University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas.

Marlyn Mayo, MD, is the director of the gastroenterology fellowship program and an associate professor of internal medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. Dr. Mayo focuses on the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic liver diseases. She is involved in a research study focused on jaundice in pregnant women.  

Charlene Prather, MD, MPH, AGAF, FACP, is a professor of internal medicine and the gastroenterology fellowship program director at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine. Additionally, she serves as the director of the Gastrointestinal Motility Center. Dr. Prather has been with the university since 1998. She has research interests in functional bowel disease and gastrointestinal motility. Dr. Prather is site principal investigator in an NIH sponsored study of functional dyspepsia.

Dawn Sears, MD, is chief of the hepatology section and director of the GI fellowship program at Scott & White Healthcare in Temple, Texas. She has been with Scott & White since 2004. Dr. Sears focuses on women’s health, liver disease, hepatitis C and more. She completed her fellowship training at Scott & White Hospital in Temple.

Arifa Toor, MD, is an assistant professor of medicine at the Geisel School of Medicine in Hanover, N.H., and director of the gastroenterology fellowship program at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, N.H. Dr. Toor focuses on gastroenterology and oncology. She completed her fellowship training at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.

Michele A. Young, MD, is the director of the Phoenix-based Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center gastroenterology fellowship program. Dr. Young is also an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson.

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