July 7, 2011
1. 5 Hospital Coding Errors Most Likely to Draw RAC Attention. 
2. Why Hospitals Need to Start Getting Ready for ICD-10 Now.
3. HHS Sends Rules for Medicaid RACs, Payments for Review.
4. Study: Successful ICD-10 Transition Demands Greater Physician Buy-In. 
5. 3 Implementation Strategies for Claims Processing Workflow Automation. 
6. Payor Denials Overturned in 39-59% of Appeals, GAO Finds.
7. Can RACs Review a Claim More Than Once?
8. CMS Identifies Massive Incorrect Billing for Place-of-Service Codes. 
9. RAC Denials Based on Incorrect Dosages: Q&A With Elizabeth Lamkin. 
10. ICD-10 Straight Talk: Overview. 
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