Clinical Leadership & Infection Control
March 24, 2020
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1. CMS to prioritize inspections in COVID-19 hotspots, at-risk areas Full story

2. Pandemic is accelerating, WHO head warns; US deaths jump 100+ in 1 day Full story

3. Loss of smell may be COVID-19 symptom, physicians warn Full story

4. Create capacity for COVID-19: Attend this live discussion to learn how to free up beds, equipment and staff now. 

5. Flood of coronavirus cases in 6-month span will overwhelm US hospital bed capacity, model shows Full story

6. US physicians turn to overseas peers for COVID-19 advice Full story

7. Make the most of mobile: A live discussion on improving workflows and care quality with a mobile strategy. 

8. First 'single match' in history results in largest residency Match Day ever Full story

9. 'We're really improvising here': Mask shortages force clinician workarounds Full story

10. Warm weather, humidity could curb rapid COVID-19 transmission, study shows Full story

11. 200+ hospitals are outperforming peers on value-based metrics and saving billions. Click here to learn how.

12. Italian physicians urge other nations to treat more patients at home Full story

13. States ranked by counties without ICU beds Full story

A Non-Opiod, Non-NSAID Analgesic for Perioperative Pain Management

What the phenomenon of 'reverse innovation' means for surgical care in the US

Achieving mobile success: Enabling adoption, ensuring security, and improving workflows

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Becker's Hospital Review, A Becker's Healthcare Publication