From: Becker's ASC Review <>
Subject: Is CMS committed to site-neutral payments? What the proposed 2019 OPPS could indicate for ASCs | 4 tips for sustained ASC growth | Mississippi hospital shuts down ER, unable to pay employees | 10 big changes CMS proposes to ASC, physician pay

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July 27, 2018
Today's Top Articles
1. Is CMS committed to site-neutral payments? What the proposed 2019 OPPS may indicate for ASCs Full story 

2. 10 big changes CMS is proposing to ASC, physician pay
3. Mississippi hospital shuts down ER, unable to pay employees

4. The Road to Systemness: Delivering an Outcomes-Driven Supply Chain Click here

5. The 8 quality reporting measures CMS wants to remove

6. Will HCA make acquire more ASCs? Here's what CEO R. Milton Johnson has to say

7. 90 healthcare leaders under 40 Full story

8. How to realize significant savings on preowned endoscopes without sacrificing quality 

9. A Mississippi-based ASC's 4 tips for sustained growth 

10. For insights into current ASC ownership trends, download this whitepaper.

11. Former neurosurgery resident files $50M lawsuit against Missouri Medical School: 7 things to know Full story



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Becker's ASC Review
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