Orthopedic surgeon salary hits $536K: 3 notes from Merritt Hawkins

Orthopedic surgeons have one of the highest salaries for physicians, and generate over $3 million for hospitals, according to surveys conducted by physician search firm Merritt Hawkins.


Three details:

1. Orthopedic surgeons were among the top 20 most requested specialists, landing in the No. 13 spot at 73 total searches for the 2018-19 year, down from 85 searches the previous year, according to Merritt Hawkins 2019 review of physician and advanced practitioner recruiting incentives.

2. Orthopedic surgeons earn an average annual salary of $536,000, according to the recruiting report, up 5.3 percent from last year when the average annual salary was $533,000.

3. Orthopedic surgeons generated an average net revenue of $3,286,764 for hospitals in 2019, according to Merritt Hawkins’ 2019 inpatient and outpatient revenue survey, up from $2,746,605 reported in the 2016 survey.

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