Here are 14 ASC supply chain statistics to know from various industry sources.
ASC supply chain leaders consider clinical results the most important attribute when purchasing medical-surgical supplies, according to HIDA's Provider Survey.
Here is how many respondents considered each attribute to be very important:
1. Demonstrated clinical results: 64 percent
2. Controlling costs: 58 percent
3. Product quality: 52 percent
4. Improving patient satisfaction: 45 percent
5. Product is carried by my distributor: 9 percent
6. GPO Contract: 9 percent
7. Brand: 6 percent
Drugs and medical supplies account for the highest percentage of net operating revenue at ASCs, according to VMG Health's 2018 Multi-Specialty ASC Benchmarking Study.
Here is the percentage of net operating revenue comprised by drugs and medical supplies in each U.S. region:
8. All facilities: 24.4 percent
9. Atlantic: 25.4 percent
10. Midwest: 22.6 percent
11. Mountain: 26.1 percent
12. Northeast: 21.2 percent
13. Pacific: 24.7 percent
14. South: 23.4 percent