The average yearly salary for a physician assistant working in the U.S. is $106,016, according to jobseeker website ZipRecruiter.
ZipRecruiter compiles data from job postings to calculate pay. Physician assistant pay can vary from $91,500 to $116,500 across the U.S.
Twelve salary details:
Annual salary (average and percentile)
1. 25th: $91,500
2. Average: $106,016
3. 75th: $116,500
4. 25th: $7,625
5. Average: $8,835
6. 75th: $9,708
7. 25th: $1,760
8. Average: $2,039
9. 75th: $2,240
10. 25th: $44
11. Average: $51
12 75th: $56