The Oroville (Calif.) City Council cleared Oroville Hospital's proposed expansion and approved issuing up to $285 million in bond financing for the project, according to the Oroville Mercury-Register.
Here are four notes:
1. Council members approved a mitigated negative declaration, which is a document showing the proposed five-story building won't have a significant environmental impact because of revisions made to the plans. The declaration was met with positive responses when sent out for public comment.
2. The plans include a two-story atrium with an outpatient procedure center, inpatient and outpatient preparation and recovery rooms, a women's and infant program, 24 intensive care unit beds and a 35-bed medical/surgery unit.
3. Officials could break ground on the building in November.
4. The city won't be held financially responsible if the hospital is unable to make payments on the bond financing, Attorney Scott Huber told the Oroville Mercury-Register.