HHS introduced two health IT challenges and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT launched two funding opportunities intended to simplify the complex intricacies of healthcare, according to AMA Wire.
MIPS Mobile Challenge: This challenge will help physicians transition to the new environment under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act. The biggest obstacle under MACRA will be to easily access information that is helpful in enhancing patient care, in order to effectively report under this payment system.
HHS welcomes submissions of mobile platform proposals that include avenues to share education materials and encourage collaboration surrounding MACRA preparation. The deadline to submit is July 15.
A Bill You Can Understand Challenge: HHS welcomes proposals focused on medical bill simplification. The department wants new design solutions for clearer medical bills. Deadline for submission is August 10.
High Impact Pilots program: Applicants will focus on a particular area (comprehensive medication management, laboratory data exchange or care coordination, etc.) and three impact dimensions. They will propose a way to increase standards and technology implementation. These projects are intended to enhance care delivery and healthcare information exchange. The deadline is July 8, and funding totals $1.25 million.
Standards Exploration Award program: Applicants will focus on a particular area (comprehensive medication management, laboratory data exchange or care coordination, etc.) and one impact dimension. The deadline is July 8, and funding totals $250,000.