Business Insider spoke with several employees of three Minnesota ASCs, providing an anonymous look into their mindsets before Gov. Tim Walz halted all elective procedures in the state March 23.
What you should know:
1. Despite not being a hotbed of COVID-19 activity, the state has been proactive and has attempted to get ahead of the pandemic with statewide actions.
2. Several surgery centers have laid off or furloughed staff.
3. The center workers said they had immense concerns over performing elective procedures in the days leading up to March 23, because the patients and staff faced an increased risk of COVID-19 exposure.
4. Other staff members said they told management they felt uncomfortable operating, but were encouraged to see the procedures through. Another worker hoped the surgery center would've stopped performing elective procedures earlier.
5. A different center completed full caseloads in the days before the order and were met with layoffs at the end of the week.
6. Most centers in the state have been unable to guarantee unemployed workers their positions back once the pandemic is contained.