ICD-11 is looming — 8 steps to prepare

The newest version of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-11, is set to take effect in January 2022, according to Software Advice, a business solutions company.


Software Advice created a timeline to help providers prepare for the transition:

December 2019: Become familiar with the new ICD-11 chapters and codes.

January 2020: Communicate with revenue cycle management and EHR software representatives to ensure the systems are up to date.

March 2020: Designate a point person to lead planning, assessment and training ahead of the transition to ICD-11.

July 2020: Conduct an audit to determine current performance regarding claim denials and coding accuracy.

October 2020: Create an action plan based on the self-assessment results.

January 2021: Train staff on best practices for coding and claim submission.

June 2021: Continue polishing coding and claims processes.

January 2022: Begin reporting health data using ICD-11.

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