ASCs’ 20 most common Medicare procedures 


Extracapsular cataract removal with intraocular lens implantation is the most commonly billed Medicare procedure at ASCs, according to the latest report from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission.

Here are the 20 most commonly billed ASC procedures and their percentage of total volume:

Procedure 2023 percent of volume
Extracapsular cataract removal with intraocular lens implant insert18.5%
Colonoscopy with lesion removal, snare technique7.7%
Upper GI endoscopy, with biopsy: single or multiple7.4%
Colonoscopy and biopsy6.7%
Injection transforaminal epidural: lumbar or sacral4.2%
After cataract laser surgery3.7%
Injection paravertebral facet joint: lumbar or sacral, single level3.1%
Colorectal cancer screening, high-risk individual2.4%
Injection interlaminar epidural: lumbar or sacral1.9%
Destroy lumbar/sacral facet joint, single1.9%
Colorectal cancer screening, not high-risk individual1.6%
Injection procedure for sacroiliac joint, anesthesia1.5%
Extracapsular cataract removal complex without ECP1.3%
Diagnostic colonoscopy1.2%
Injection paravertebral facet joint: cervical or thoracic, single level1.1%
Blepharoplasty upper eyelid1%
Injection interlaminar epidural: cervical or thoracic0.8%
Upper GI endoscopy diagnostic brush wash0.7%
Upper GI endoscopy, guide wire insertion0.6%

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