AMA Releases National Health Insurer Report Card

The American Medical Association has released its second annual National Health Insurer Report Card, which measures health insurers on the timeliness, transparency and accuracy of their claims processing.


The insurers measured were Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, CIGNA, Coventry Health Care Insurance, Health Net, Humana, UnitedHealthcare and Medicare.

Coventry had the shortest first remittance response time with a median of four days. Medicare had the longest with a median of 14 days. These results were similar to the 2008 data.

Anthem BCBS has the highest percentage of claims denied with 4.34 percent, and Aetna had the lowest with 1.81 percent. These percentages were down from the 2008 range of Medicare’s 6.85 percent and UHC’s 2.68 percent.

Read the 2009 National Health Insurer Report Card (pdf).


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