3 steps ASCs can take to improve A/R

Brice Voithofer, vice president of ASC and anesthesia services, and Bill Gilbert, president of marketing at AdvantEdge Healthcare Solutions, shared three tips on how ASCs can boost their collections efforts in a whitepaper.

Here are the insights they shared:

1. Patients may be repeat customers to an ASC if they are colonoscopy or pain patients, leading to written-off co-pays and deductibles. Developing a policy where a scheduler looks at a bill or note within the billing system can identify if a patient previously had a balance the ASC written off or is collecting.

2. Training an ASC's staff to be comfortable asking for money from patients can ensure the financial stability of a center. Providing front desk and registration staff with a script or training on how to ask for money are two ways to help them feel more comfortable.

3. Developing set protocols for staff to follow each month can help an ASC monitor and manage performance through creating a baseline.

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