What to do when 2 anesthesia providers are needed during a procedure

Procedures such as massive traumas or high-acuity heart surgeries could require two anesthesia providers in the operating room.


Tony Mira, founder of Anesthesia Business Consultants, gave recommendations for how to secure reimbursements for these procedures in a June 3 blog post

Using two anesthesia providers could lead to increased reimbursement from a payer, so it’s likely the claims will be highly scrutinized, Mr. Mira wrote. 

Medicare will provide reimbursement for two full-time providers if the procedure is deemed “medically necessary,” and documentation is “submitted by both the CRNA and the physician to support payment of the full fee for each of the two providers.”

Mr. Mira recommends submitting a claim for each provider, and having the second provider fill out a document under the title “Special Report.” He also recommends listing the unusual circumstances that required the second provider.


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