A study published in Surgical Endoscopy found endoscopic radiofrequency use — Stretta Therapy — significantly reduces gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Cleveland-based Case Western University's Director of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Ronnie Fass, MD, led a 28-study and 2,468 patient-meta-analyses examining endoscopic radiofrequency's efficacy in treating GERD.
Here's what he found.
1. Stretta improved the health-related quality of life score by -14.6.
2. Stretta improved pooled heartburn standardized scores by -1.53.
3. After treatment, only 49 percent of patients used proton pump inhibitors at a baseline follow-up.
4. Stretta therapy reduced erosive esophagitis incidence by 24 percent, and reduced esophageal acid exposure by negative 3.01 on average.
Dr. Fass concluded, "The Stretta procedure significantly improves subjective and objective clinical endpoints, except LES basal pressure, and therefore should be considered as a viable alternative in managing GERD."
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