While the ASC market is expanding globally, a Future Market Insights Report found North America's ASC market is likely to have stagnant growth through 2025.
Here are four notes:
1. North America's growth is projected to remain the same due to the saturation of ASCs and many ASC vendors opting to pursue overseas markets.
2. From 2015 to 2025, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region are projected to experience high growth, especially in India. In this region, private companies fund more than 50 percent of Indian healthcare expenditures, and private companies often prefer patients to seek care at outpatient settings.
3. The report notes that healthcare may trend to the outpatient setting as there is more pressure to reduce costs without compromising quality.
4. The report notes many ASC management companies are operating across multiple locations, while smaller ASC management companies may often offer niche services to differentiate themselves from larger companies.