ASCA partnered with Akorbi, a translation and interpretation services platform.
Here are five things to know:
1. ASCA entered into an affinity partnership with Akorbi, which will allow ASCA members to purchase the technology at a discounted rate.
2. Akorbi's interpretation services include:
• In-person interpretation
• Video interpretation
• Mobile interpretation
The interpretation functions match users with interpreters who understand cultural preferences.
3. Akorbi's translation function includes:
• Enhanced machine translations
• Translation, editing and proofreading
• Localized solutions
The translation can give providers fast and easy translations of healthcare-specific terminology.
4. The ACA requires medical entities with HHS funding to provide "reasonable communication access to non-English speaking, hearing and visually impaired patients," according to ASCA. The organization recommends medical entities provide a language service.
5. To inform patients of language services, Akorbi provides printable posters to hanging the facility with the top 15 languages by state.