Here are 22 statistics on ASC liquidity analysis based on statistics from the VMG Health 2016 Intellimarker Multi-Specialty ASC Study.
This report includes the analysis for the top ASCs.
Top 75th percentile
1. Cash: $1.1 million
2. Cash as a percent of total operating expenses: 18.9 percent
3. Days of cash on hand: 69.1
4. Net accounts receivable: $1.2 million
5. Net A/R as a percent of total net operating revenue: 10.8 percent
6. A/R days outstanding: 39.6
7. Net working capital: $2 million
8. Net working capital as a percentage of revenue: 19.5 percent
9. Net working capital less cash: $890,000
10. Net working capital less cash as a percentage of revenue: 9.1 percent
11. Current ratio: 4.6
Top 90th percentile
1. Cash: $2.1 million
2. Cash as a percent of total operating expenses: 29.8 percent
3. Days of cash on hand: 108.9
4. Net accounts receivable: $1.6 million
5. Net A/R as a percent of total net operating revenue: 14.8 percent
6. A/R days outstanding: 54
7. Net working capital: $3.2 million
8. Net working capital as a percentage of revenue: 25.4 percent
9. Net working capital less cash: $1.3 million
10. Net working capital less cash as a percentage of revenue: 13.4 percent
11. Current ratio: 5.8