A Kaiser Family Foundation analysis found the Medicare Advantage market is highly consolidated around the United States.
Here are five statistics on the MA market:
1. In 2017, the average Medicare beneficiary can choose from 19 plans, a figure which has remained "relatively stable" since 2012, the analysis found.
2. Six firms will offer plans next year for the average beneficiary, with 25 percent of beneficiaries having three or less firms to choose from in 2017.
3. For those MA beneficiaries maintaining their plan between 2016 and 2017, their premiums will rally 4 percent, on average.
4. Average limits on out-of-pocket costs for Medicare Part A and B benefits have risen 25 percent since 2011. In 2017, these limits will total $5,322, on average.
5. Forty-one percent of MA plans carry a four star or higher rate in 2017.